Home Forums Free Themes WEN Associate Add a second tagline?

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  • #3437

    I’ve gone to Admin Area -> Settings -> General and added the following text:
    Marriage & Family Therapist Registered Intern #89099, Supervised by Suzy Lee, LMFT #52675<br><h5>Providing individual and group therapy for adults, teens, children, couples and families</h5>

    But of course the html tags aren’t working because I need to create a child theme that contains some custom code in the functions.php file. My problem is that I am not advanced enough to know what PHP code needs to be written in that functions file to make that second line happen.
    Can anyone help me out?


    Hello @karen,
    We hope you are doing fine. Yes, You are right you need to create a child theme. After done with child theme write following code inside functions.php file:

    function wen_associate_site_branding(){
        <div class="site-branding">
          <h1 class="site-title"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
              $site_logo = wen_associate_get_option( 'site_logo' );
             <?php if ( ! empty( $site_logo ) ): ?>
              <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $site_logo ); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); ?>" />
             <?php else: ?>
              <?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>
             <?php endif ?>
            $show_tagline = wen_associate_get_option( 'show_tagline' );
           <?php if ( 1 == $show_tagline ): ?>
            <h2 class="site-description"> Marriage & Family Therapist Registered Intern #89099, Supervised by Suzy Lee, LMFT #52675</h2><h5>Providing individual and group therapy for adults, teens, children, couples and families</h5>
           <?php endif ?>
        </div><!-- .site-branding -->
          $social_in_header = wen_associate_get_option( 'social_in_header' );
          $search_in_header = wen_associate_get_option( 'search_in_header' );
        <?php if ( ( 1 == $social_in_header && wen_associate_is_social_menu_active() ) || 1 == $search_in_header ): ?>
          <aside class="sidebar-header-right">
            <?php if ( 1 == $social_in_header && wen_associate_is_social_menu_active() ): ?>
              <?php the_widget( 'WEN_Associate_Social_Widget' ); ?>
            <?php endif ?>
            <?php if ( 1 == $search_in_header ): ?>
              <div class="search-btn-wrap"><a href="#" id="btn-search-icon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></div><!-- .search-btn-wrap -->
              <div id="header-search-form">
                <?php get_search_form(); ?>
              </div><!-- #header-search-form -->
            <?php endif ?>
          </aside><!-- .sidebar-header-right -->
        <?php endif ?>

    I hope it will help resolve your issue.
    Note: You won’t be able to change the tagline through Customizer doing this changes.


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