

By: Theme Palace
License: free Version: 1.0.4 updated: 2024-01-07 Instructions Support

Onjob is a modern and clean WordPress theme for the recruitment business. It can be used for general job listing websites and even job boards. The theme has a well-planned design with a fully functional interface that helps job providers and job seekers. It is feature-packed with unique functionality to help you build the best job publishing websites. Both job seekers and providers can create user-profiles and add details to the website. Other than that, you can easily list and publish the job opportunities in different categories; the users can search and filter through listings, view a description of each opening, and submit their applications. The theme includes pre-made content and design for you to choose from. You can import dummy content and start building your website. Also, the theme is totally customizable.

Comparision between free and pro version.

Responsive Design
Demo Import
Dark/Light version
Advanced Color Option ( Limited )
Search Icon Enable/Disable in Primary Menu
Header Menu Sticky
Menu 1 Label
Menu 2 Label
Menu Button Text
Custom CSS Option
(6 layout) Multiple Homepage Design
Theme Options ( Limited )
Homepage Sortable
Site Layout (Limited)
Single Post
Choose Menu Typography
Choose Site Title Typography
Choose Site Title Typography
Choose Site Description Typography
Choose Button Label Typography
Choose Heading Typography
Choose Body Typography
Infinite Scroll
Footer Options (Limited)
(Changable) Copyright Text (Static(Not Changable))
Post/Page Layout Metabox Options (Limited)
Search Section (Limited)
(Page) Search Content Type (Page/Post/Custom)
Sponser Section (Limited)
Featured Jobs Section (Limited)
(Category, Job Category) Featured Jobs Content Type (Posts / Pages / Category / Jobs / Job Category)
Recent Jobs Section (Limited)
(Jobs) Recent Jobs Content Type (Posts / Pages / Category / Jobs / Job Category)
Subscription Section ( Limited )
Testimonial Section ( Limited )
(Page) Testimonial Content Type ( Pages / Posts / Category )
Blog Section ( Limited )
Company Profile Section
Customizer Reset Option