We’re here to answer your queries!
What is WordPress?
According to WordPress.org, WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine.
Do your themes work on WordPress.com websites?
WordPress.com and the software you download from WordPress.org are two entirely different things. Because of the way WordPress.com’s technical infrastructure is designed, we are not able to support uploading custom WordPress themes and plugin on WordPress.com. WordPress.com is brought to you by some of the same folks who work on WordPress, the Open Source blogging software. WordPress.com utilizes the same WordPress software which you can download at WordPress.org. For more info, please see this post.
What are WordPress themes?
According to WordPress.org, themes are collections of files “that work together to produce a graphical interface with an underlying unifying design for a weblog.” In simple, a WordPress theme is what controls the functionality, the look, and the feel of a WordPress website. WordPress themes come in a variety of flavors, from basic, free themes to more complex, premium themes. The key takeaway about WordPress themes for any beginner is that at any moment a WordPress website’s theme may be changed without adversely affecting the actual content of the website.
How do I customize my theme?
All our themes comes with Theme Options page which will allow you to easily customize your website with a few clicks. So, now you no longer need to be a designer or a programmer to build custom websites. Theme Options allow you to toggle on and off features, adjust layouts, change colors, fonts, logo, favicon, background, add social links and custom CSS. If you want to customize our themes beyond those options available to you on the theme options page, you will need to either use your php, html, css, and javascript skills or hire a customizer who will work for you. We are unable to teach you how to code, but we are happy to point you to resources so you can learn. Resources for learning these skills:
Can you help me customize my site?
We can’t provide extensive help in terms of modifications. If you are requesting modification help, which only requires us to publish 3 or 4 lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. However, if you need more work done, we can provide guidance and you would then need to hire a customizer. Customization questions are assigned lower priority than questions pertaining the installation, setup or usage of our products.
I downloaded a theme from Theme Palace. What do I do next?
You can view theme the installation instructions for your theme on our theme instructions page.
How to Find the Post ID
Sometimes it is necessary to know the ID of a particular post. For example, you might need to know the ID of a post you want to add as a “featured post” to the slider in our theme. To determine the post ID, use one of these methods: Look in your browser status bar for the ID:
- Go to Posts => All Posts in your WordPress Admin Panel
- Hover your mouse over the link to the “item” you need the ID for.
- Look at the status bar (at the bottom of your browser)which will show you the url for the post. The end of this address will be something like “post=123”. In these cases, 123 is the Post ID.
Setting Featured Image
It is always recommended to add featured image in your posts and pages. Our themes are highly dependent on featured images.
Setting Featured Image
1. Open the editor of the post/page where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image.
2. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image.
For more Click Here
Adding Feature Post Slider
All our free themes only have a Featured Post Slider. But if you upgrade to Pro or Premium themes, you have the option for Featured Image slider and so on. Featured Post slider is created to highlight your posts in the slider. To add the feature post slider, just follow the steps as below:
- First create the post. Don’t forget to add Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. Click here to see how to add Featured Image.
- Then get the ID of the post. When you write or edit your post, you will see the ID in your browser address bar. But if you cannot find it then Click here to see how to find post ID.
- Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”.
- Add in the post ID that you want to highlight
How does the payment process work? When will I get my themes?
Refer to this article to know the process in detail.
What is an FTP client and how is it used?
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an application software which is used to transfer files between a web server and a computer over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. We recommend FileZilla, an open-source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Put simply, an FTP client is what most website owners use when they need to download, edit, and upload their website’s files. Most FTP connections require a hostname, a username, and a password. These are most often supplied by web hosting providers in the following form:
- FTP Host: ftp.example.com
- FTP User: user@example.com or user
- FTP Password: password
How to install a theme?
Approach I : From your admin dashboard.
1. Log into the WordPress Dashboard with your login details. 2. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes. 3. Select Add New. 4. Then select Upload Theme button. 5. Click Browse to locate education-hub-pro.zip file from your computer. 6. Select education-hub-pro.zip and click Install Now.Approach II : Upload and install theme through FTP client
You can use FTP client like FileZilla to connect your web server. 1. Unzip education-hub-pro.zip to your Desktop. 2. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of Education Hub Pro Theme. 3. Now, log into the WordPress Dashboard with your login details. 2. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes. 3. You will see the theme in the list. 4. Then click Activate button. 5. Now the theme will be activate and go through the following options to set up the theme step wise.Is license only valid for one website ?
Yes, it is only valid for one domain and one website.
What will happen if I use my theme in multiple websites ?
You can use the purchased theme in multiple websites. Except you won’t be getting any update notifications, supports and theme updates on them.
What should I do to use this theme in my multiple website or domain ?
Well, you have to re-purchase the theme and obtain the unique license key for it.
Why it is showing “License status known” ?
Normally the provided License key works well on majority of servers. If this is the first time installation and having problem then in this case, you need to contact your hosting support providers. Some servers blocks API with GET request while trying to authenticate and validate the user API Key. If you have used key before on any installation or either on demo server then same key won’t work for other multiple domain since it is valid for single domain only. Try deactivating before you use it in actual domain.
Price denominations
Price denomination of all our products selling from Theme Palace marketplace is in USD.
Why do I have to pay each year for the theme after I purchase it?
If you want to update your theme after a year, then you need to re-purchase it. But if you don’t need update then you don’t need to re-purchase it.
What will happen if I do not renew after one year?
If you do not wish to renew after a year, your site will still be running fine except your product would not be eligible to get new version updates.
How do I upgrade my theme to latest version?
To upgrade your theme to the latest version, you need to download the latest theme ZIP file in your Theme Palace account page and replace your theme folder with this new folder. You will be notified about the updates to the themes if you have already activated your License Key.
Do I get the automatic updates of the themes?
After you purchase a theme from Theme Palace you will also receive a license key ( API key ). This key will be use for receiving automatic theme updates. Follow the below instruction for implementing this Key with your product.
- Go to your dashboard My-Account on Theme Palace. Retrieve your API key from 'My API Keys' section.
- Now go to your WordPress admin dashboard and access API page from 'Appearance-> Theme License' and input your API key. Finally 'Save' to submit your information.
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