
Smooth Blog

By: Moral Themes
License: free Version: 1.2.1 updated: 2024-05-29 Instructions Support

Smooth Blog is best known for its simplicity and performance. It is flexible and mobile-friendly. The written content and the images look just fine on any mobile device or screen size. It is also well optimized for speed and SEO performance. Besides, the theme is translation ready and comes with regular updates.

Comparision between free and pro version.

Responsive Design
Dark version
Theme Options ( Limited )
Menu Sticky Option
Make menu Transparent.
Demo Import
Restaurant Homepage Layout
Portfolio Homepage Layout
Magazine Homepage Layout
Font options
General ( Limited )
Global Layout Option ( Limited )
Archive/Blog ( Limited )
Single post
Single page
Color Option ( Limited )
Scroll Up Option
Breadcumb Option
Single Posts Option
Single Pages Option
Reset All Option
Top Bar
Slider Section ( limited )
Service Section ( limited )
About Section ( limited )
Featured Section ( limited )
Subscribe Section
Masonary Section
Video Section
Blog Section ( Limited )
Related Section
Footer Options ( Limited )