Themes Instructions
Select a Theme from the drop down menu
Table of Contents
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theme Installation
- 3.Theme Activation
- 4.How to import Demo?
- 5.Site Identity (Manage Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon?)
- 6.Background Color and Background Image
- 7.Custom Menus
- 8.How to add Featured Image in Page/Post?
- 9.How to set Homepage setting?
- 10.How to setup Homepage(Frontpage) as shown in the demo?
- 11.How to Add Custom CSS?
- 12.Widgets and Sidebars
- 13.Theme Options
- 13.1.Header Options
- 13.2.How to add News Ticker in Header?
- 13.3.Layout Options (How to change site layout?)
- 13.4.Pagination Options (How to change pagination type?)
- 13.5.Footer Options (How to edit Footer Copyright Text?)
- 13.6.Blog Options (How to change Excerpt Length, Read More Text and Exclude Categories in your blog?)
- 13.7.Breadcrumb Options (How to enable Breadcrumb?)
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theme Installation
- 3.Theme Activation
- 4.How to import Demo?
- 5.Site Identity (Manage Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon?)
- 6.Background Color and Background Image
- 7.Custom Menus
- 8.How to add Featured Image in Page/Post?
- 9.How to set Homepage setting?
- 10.How to setup Homepage(Frontpage) as shown in the demo?
- 11.How to Add Custom CSS?
- 12.Widgets and Sidebars
- 13.Theme Options
- 13.1.Header Options
- 13.2.How to add News Ticker in Header?
- 13.3.Layout Options (How to change site layout?)
- 13.4.Pagination Options (How to change pagination type?)
- 13.5.Footer Options (How to edit Footer Copyright Text?)
- 13.6.Blog Options (How to change Excerpt Length, Read More Text and Exclude Categories in your blog?)
- 13.7.Breadcrumb Options (How to enable Breadcrumb?)
Kids Education Soul
Kids Education Soul is a Simple and Clean Free Education WordPress Theme with a pleasant feel. It is a Child Theme of Education Soul. The Premium version of this theme is “Education Soul Pro”.
There are two approaches to installing the theme. You can either install it easily via the WordPress admin dashboard or Upload and install the theme through FTP client.
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- Select Add New.
- Type “Kids Education Soul” in Search themes… box
- It will show Kids Education Soul and click on it and Install. Once installation is complete you can activate it.
You can use FTP client like FileZilla to connect your web server.
- Download the theme zip file kids-education-soul.zip from Theme Palace
- Unzip kids-education-soul.zip to your Desktop.
- Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of Kids Education Soul Theme.
- Now, log into the WordPress Dashboard with your login details.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- You will see the theme in the list.
- Then click Activate button.
- Now the theme will be activate and go through the following options to set up the theme step wise.
After successfully installing the required theme, you need to activate your theme. Follow the given steps to activate the theme.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- You will see the Kids Education Soul theme in the list.
- Click Activate button.
- After clicking in activate button the theme will be activate.
Free themes are hosted in WordPress.org and while hosting there, we are not allowed to add demo content in the theme. So, you need to download the demo content file manually and import them.
Please follow the instructions below to import demo file:
- First, download the demo content zip file by clicking the button below
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Go to “Appearance => Plugins => Add New” and in plugin search box, type “Catch Themes Demo Import“.
- It will show the plugin, click on “Install Now” button and wait for it to show “Activate” button and click on it.
- After activation, it will redirect you to demo import dashboard at “Appearance => Catch Themes Demo Import”.
- Now, you need to unzip/extract the kids-education-soul-demo-data.zip file that you have downloaded, which contains 3 files.
- Browse kids-education-soul-content.xml file under Choose a XML file for content import:
- Browse kids-education-soul-widgets.wie file under Choose a WIE or JSON file for widget import:
- Browse kids-education-soul-customizer.dat file under Choose a DAT file for customizer import:
- Finally, click on Import Demo Data button only once and wait for it to complete import.
- It can take a couple of minutes, and will display “That’s it, all done!” message after the import is completed.
For Site Identity: Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity” and you will see option for Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon.
- Logo:
- To upload logo, click on “Select Logo” and if you already have logo then you can replace the existing logo by clicking on “Change logo”
- Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
- Finally, click on “Publish”
- Site Title: You can just type in the title such as brand name of your site and click on “Publish”
- Tagline: You can just type in the Tagline, such as your brand slogan of your site and click on “Publish”
- If you want to disable Site Title or Tagling then just go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Options” and uncheck “Show Site Title” and “Show Tagline”. Finally click on “Publish”
- Site Icon: It is also commenly know as Favicon. Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. Click on “Select site icon” and if you already have site logo then you can replace the existing site icon by clicking on “Change image”
This theme supports the default background color and background image functionality of WordPress core. So, either you can add a background image or the background color to your site as per your need.
How to Add/Replace Background Image?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Background Image”, click on “Select image” and if you already have background image then you can replace the existing image by clicking on “Change image”. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library. There are order options like preset, image positions, image size, repeat background, and scroll. You can adjust as per your need and finally click on the “Publish” button.
How to Add/Replace Background Color?
This background color works only when there is no background image. If you already have a background image then it’s not necessary to change the background color. But if you haven’t uploaded any background image and just want to change the background color then this option will make sense.
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Colors” and change the background color as per your need and click on the “Publish” button.
Note: This only changes the background of the main content area and not the overall site background.
Custom Menus are a list of common links that are usually displayed as the main navigation for your site. The menu location can vary depending on your theme. This theme offers 4 menu locations.
- Primary Menu: This is the main menu of the theme and it will show on the header section
- Footer Menu: This is the secondary menu of the theme and it’s optional. If you assing menu in this location then it will show on the Footer section
- Social Menu: This theme also support social links menu. When you assign menu to this location, it will automatically convert menu items to corresponding icons for popular social media sites
- 404 Menu: This theme also support menu for 404 error page content. When you assign menu to this location, it will show the menu on the content section of 404 error page
To create custom menus
- Go to “Apperance => Customize => Menus”
- If your theme already has a primary menu, you can click on it to begin editing
- If your theme does not already have a primary menu, then click on “Create New Menu”
- Give your menu a name
- Select Menu Locatons where you want the menu to appear, as mention above this theme have 4 menu locations
- Click “Next” to begin adding items to your new menu. There are default menu items like
- Custom Link: Adds a custom URL linking to another site or social site
- Pages: Add a link to page on your site
- Posts: Add a link to post on your site
- Categories: Add a link to cateogry on your site, which will show blog posts from a given category
- Tags: Add a link to tag on your site, which will show blog posts from a given tag
This theme also supports the social links menu. You need to create a social menu the same as a custom menu and just add like to your social site using custom links.
- Go to “Apperance => Customize => Menus”
- If your theme already has a social menu, you can click on it to begin editing
- If your theme does not already have a social menu, then click on “Create New Menu”
- Give your menu a name, best will be like “Social Menu”
- Select “Social Menu” on Menu Locations
- Click “Next” to begin adding items to your social menu
- Click on “Add Items” and click on “Custom Link”
- Add the address for one of your social media profiles in the URL field. For example, if the link to your Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/wenthemes/, you would copy that into the URL field
- You can also enter a name for the social media profile in the Link Text field. Once you’re ready, click Add to Menu
- Repeat the above steps until all the social media profiles you wish to use have been added to the menu
- Finally, click Publish
Posts and pages can have a single featured image, which theme uses to enhance the presentation of your site. So, it’s generally good practice to add featured image in our post and page the time of creation. But if you missed adding the featured image, then you can further edit the post and page and add the featured image.
Follow the instruction below to add a featured image:
- Either you are adding new page/post or editing existing page/post. Just be in the page/post editor of the page/post in which you want to add featured immage
- Then locate the “Featured Image” module on the right side
- Click Set Featured Image
- Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on “Set Featured Image” button
- If you are creating new page/post, then you can click on “Publish” button but if you are editing existing page/post, then you can click on “Update”
From Customize section, go to Homepage Setting you will see two option.
- Your latest posts: When you choose this option your homepage will display your latest posts. This option is used when you are creating a simple blog site. But if you want a static front page with custom sections then you need to go with “a static page” option.
- A static page: When you choose this option, you will be able to select the page for your Homepage as well as the page to show your latest posts in Posts page. That is why you will get the following two options
- Homepage: Here you can select any page which you want to show in your homepage. Note: All the custom sections of homepage will only be visible on Homepage once you set a page for the Homepage Setting option.
- Posts page: Here you can select any page where you want to show all your latest posts
To set up content like in the demo homepage:
- First, you need to create a page and on that page, you will see the “Page Attribution” box from where you need to assign “Template” as “Frontpage”. If you already have a page then that’s fine and just assing that page template as frontpage. Otherwise, follow the steps below to create a page:
- Hover over the “Pages” menu
- You will see “Add New” under “All Pages”
- Click “Add New”
- You will be redirected to new page from
- Add title “Home” or any title you want
- Content is not necessary in this page as we are assigning this page template as frontpage. So, on your right handside of that page, you will see “Page Attribution” box from where you need to assign “Template” as “Frontpage”
- Finally, click “Publish” button or if ou are editing page then you can click on “Update” button
- Then, you need to go to “Apperance => Customize => Homepage Sections”. In this theme, you have following options in Homepage Sections
- Manage Sections
- Featured Slider
- Call To Action
- News and Events
- Services
- Latest News
This section helps you to change the order of the sections on the homepage. You can click on the section that you want to change the order and then drag up and down as per your need. Further, you can also disable or enable any section by just toggle the check mark.
Featured Slider is the first section you will see inside Homepage Sections. This option enables you to showcase your main image and content for your site in a slide.
Kids Education Soul free theme only supports Featured Page Slider. But if you want like image/post/category/tag slider then you need to upgrade to the Kids Education Soul Pro theme.
So, to add slider, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Homepage Sections => Featured Slider”
- Transition Effect: Here you will see transition effect where you can select the effect to your slider which shows slider transiting from one slide to another
- Transition Delay: It’s the time given for particular slide. So, after the assign time, it will change to another slider. You can change the time in seconds
- Transition Duration: It’s the time given for transition between the slides which it shows the transition effect. You can change the time in seconds
- Enable Caption: This option will show the text in the slider
- Caption Alignment: This option will allow you the change the position of text in the slider
- Enable Arrow: This option will allow you show/hide slider left and right arrows
- Enable Pager: This option will allow you show/hide slider pager
- Enable Autoplay: This option will allow you to do continuous slide your images without a need to click pager or arrows
- Select Slider Type: This option will allow you switch between the various slider type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Slides: This option will allow you increase or decrease the number of slides that you want to have in your slider
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
- When you select the slider type as “Featured Pages”, it will show the page Featured Image, title, and the excerpt of the content. So, don’t forget to add Featured Image in your Page
Call to Action section can be used to display any important notice/offers/message to your site visitors. Please follow the instructions below to add your own call to actions:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Homepage Sections => Call To Actions”
- Then fill in the necessary items as per your need:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Primary Button Text
- Primary Button URL
- Secondary Button Text
- Secondary Button URL
- Background Image
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
News and Events section can be used to display the latest posts from a particular category or all categories. This is a predesigned section to showcase your post.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Homepage Sections => News and Events”
- Then fill in the necessary items as per your need:
- News Title: Title for the News column
- No of News: Increase or decrease the number of posts
- News Category: Select the category from which you want to show the latest posts for news
- Events Title: Title for the Events column
- No of Events: Increase or decrease the number of posts
- Events Category: Select the category from which you want to show the latest posts for events
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
Services section can be used to display the selected page to showcase your services or any important pages.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Homepage Sections => Services”
- Then fill in the necessary items as per your need:
- Title: Title for the Services section
- Columns: You can either select 3 columns or 4 columns to display the services
- No of Blocks: It’s the number of pages that you want to show on the services. Enter number between 1 and 10. Save and refresh the page to change the number of Blocks
- Page #: Select the page that you want to show
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
Latest News section can be used to display the latest posts from a particular category or all categories. This is a predesigned section to showcase your post.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Homepage Sections => Latest News”
- Then fill in the necessary items as per your need:
- Title: Title for the Latest News section
- Layout: You can either select either Layout 1 or Layout 2. Layout 1 shows posts in 4 columns or 3 Columns with the featured image on the top of the content and Layout 2 shows posts in 1 column layout with the featured image on the left of the content
- Columns: This option let’s you change the Columns of Layout 1. If you have select Layout 1 then this option is obsolute
- No of Blocks: It’s the number of posts that you want to show on the Latest News section which you can increase or decrease as per your need
- Select Category: If you don’t select the category then it will show the latest posts from all categories. But if you select the category then it will display latest post from that specific category only
- Image Size: This option let’s you select the images size available in your site
- Excerpt Length: Excerpt length option let’s you to incease or decrease the number of words in the content of these posts
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
You can use the CSS editor to customize the appearance of your site. It works by allowing you to add your own CSS styles, which allows you to override the default styles of your Theme. To access the CSS editor, go to “Appearance = Customize => Additional CSS”.
Widget is a fancy word for tools or content that you can add, arrange, and remove from the sidebars (Widget Areas) of your site. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your sidebars (Widget Areas).
This theme has 6 Sidebars (widget areas):
- Primary Sidebar: This is your site main sidebar, which in displayed on the right or left side of your site content. This sidebar is visible only when you select “Global Layout” as “Right Sidebar”, “Left Sidebar” and “Three Columns”
- Secondary Sidebar: This is your site secondary sidebar, which in displayed on the left side of your site content. This sidebar is visible only when you select “Global Layout” as “Three Columns”
- Footer Widget 1: This in your first sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 2: This in your second sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 3: This in your third sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 4: This in your fourth sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
Note: To change the Global layout of your site, you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”
Header Options contains the elements of the site header. For header options, you can go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Options”. In Header Options you will see:
- Show Site title: To show the site title in header
- Show tagline: To show the site tagline in header
- Contact Number: It allow to change the contact number
- Contact Email: It allow to change the contact Email
- Contact Address It allow to change the contact address
- Show Social Icons: To show the social icons in header
- Enable Search Form: To enable search form on header
- Buy Button Text: To enter the button text
- Buy Button URL: To enter the cutom URL for the button
- Show News Ticker: to show the New Ticker in header
To add news ticker in the header, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Options”
- Check option “Show News Ticker” to enable the news ticker
- Ticker Title: Here you can type in your site for news ticker
- Ticker Category: Here you need to select the category from which you want to display the news ticker
- Number of Posts: You can increase or decrease the number of post to be displayed in new ticket
This option helps you to change the layout of the site. So, to chagne the layout of the site you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”. Here you can change the following layouts:
- Global Layout: This is for theme global layout. This is mainly related to the display of the sidebar. Here you will see a different layout like:
- Right Sidebar (Content – Primary Sidebar)
- Left Sidebar (Primary Sidebar – Content)
- Three Columns – (Secondary – Content – Primary)
- No Sidebar
- Archive Layout: This options is for archive content layout. Here you can select either “Full Post” or “Post Excerpt” to be display in the archive pages
- Image in Archive: This options is for archive Image. Select option that suits your site.
- Image Alignment in Archive: This option is for changing the image alignment in archive. choose the available options from drop down. Here you can see different options.
- Image in Single Post/Page: This option is for changing the image in single post/page, choose available options from drop down. No Image and Large are the available options.
- Image Alignment in Single post/page: This option is for changing the image alignment in single post/page, choose the available options from drop down. Here you can see different options.
- First, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Pagination Options”
- Then, select the desire type in “Pagination Type”
- Finally, click on “Publish” button
For, this you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Footer Options”.
In Footer Options you will see:
- Copyright Text: From here you can edit/delete the copyright text for your site
- Show Social Icons: This option enables the social icons in the footer section. (Note:You need to manage location of social menu from Admin Panel => Menus)
- Show Go To Top: This option enables the go to top icon in the site
13.6.Blog Options (How to change Excerpt Length, Read More Text and Exclude Categories in your blog?)
To change the blog option, you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Blog Options”.
In Blog Options you will see:
- Excerpt Length: Enter excerpt length in words
- Read More Text: You can change text for Read More form here
- Exclude Categories in Blog: Enter category ID to exclude in Blog Page. Separate with the comma if more than one.