Themes Instructions
Select a Theme from the drop down menu
Table of Contents
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theme Installation
- 3.Theme Activation
- 4.How to import Demo?
- 5.Site Identity (Manage Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon?)
- 6.Colors (How to change color in your site?)
- 7.Header Media (Header Image & Video)
- 8.How to change Background Image?
- 9.Custom Menus
- 10.Widgets and Sidebars
- 11.How to set Homepage setting?
- 12.Theme Options
- 12.1.Collection
- 12.2.Comment Options
- 12.3.Contact
- 12.4.Excerpt Options
- 12.5.Featured Content
- 12.6.Featured Slider
- 12.7.Font Family Options
- 12.8.Footer Options (How to edit Footer Copyright Text & Powered By Text?)
- 12.9.Gallery
- 12.10.Header Options
- 12.11.Header Top Options
- 12.12.Hero Content
- 12.13.Homepage / Frontpage Options
- 12.14.Layout Options
- 12.15.Logo Slider
- 12.16.Menu Options
- 12.17.Pagination Options
- 12.18.Portfolio
- 12.19.Portfolio Two
- 12.20.Promotion Headline
- 12.21.Promotional Headline Two
- 12.22.Scrollup Options
- 12.23.Search Options
- 12.24.Sections Sorter
- 12.25.Services
- 12.26.Special Offer
- 12.27.Stats
- 12.28.Team
- 12.29.Testimonials
- 12.30.For eCommerce, Install and Active WooCommerce Plugin
- 12.31.For WP Travel, Install and Active WP Travel Plugin
- 13.How to Add Custom CSS?
- 14.How to add Featured Image in Page/Post?
- 15.How to Reset Theme Settings?
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theme Installation
- 3.Theme Activation
- 4.How to import Demo?
- 5.Site Identity (Manage Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon?)
- 6.Colors (How to change color in your site?)
- 7.Header Media (Header Image & Video)
- 8.How to change Background Image?
- 9.Custom Menus
- 10.Widgets and Sidebars
- 11.How to set Homepage setting?
- 12.Theme Options
- 12.1.Collection
- 12.2.Comment Options
- 12.3.Contact
- 12.4.Excerpt Options
- 12.5.Featured Content
- 12.6.Featured Slider
- 12.7.Font Family Options
- 12.8.Footer Options (How to edit Footer Copyright Text & Powered By Text?)
- 12.9.Gallery
- 12.10.Header Options
- 12.11.Header Top Options
- 12.12.Hero Content
- 12.13.Homepage / Frontpage Options
- 12.14.Layout Options
- 12.15.Logo Slider
- 12.16.Menu Options
- 12.17.Pagination Options
- 12.18.Portfolio
- 12.19.Portfolio Two
- 12.20.Promotion Headline
- 12.21.Promotional Headline Two
- 12.22.Scrollup Options
- 12.23.Search Options
- 12.24.Sections Sorter
- 12.25.Services
- 12.26.Special Offer
- 12.27.Stats
- 12.28.Team
- 12.29.Testimonials
- 12.30.For eCommerce, Install and Active WooCommerce Plugin
- 12.31.For WP Travel, Install and Active WP Travel Plugin
- 13.How to Add Custom CSS?
- 14.How to add Featured Image in Page/Post?
- 15.How to Reset Theme Settings?
WEN Travel Pro
WEN Travel Pro is a versatile and responsive Multipurpose Travel WordPress theme with an abundance of travel features and functionalities. The theme is ideal for all travel-related businesses and blogs like Travel Agencies, Travel Blogs, Travel Journal, and Tourism Websites. It comes with a simplistic layout and advanced functionalities to revive your travel site.
After you purchase the theme, you can download your theme from My Account page. Just for your note, some modern browser like Safari has auto zip extractor and will extract the zip file as soon as you download the zip file. In this case, open Safari and go to “Safari => Preferences” and in the “General” tab, uncheck Open “safe” files after downloading. This will stop Safari from automatically unzipping the files and then you can download the zip file.
After you download the theme, you can choose either of the approaches given below to install your theme.
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- Select Add New.
- Then select Upload Theme.
- Click Browse Locate wen-travel-pro.zip Theme in your computer.
- Select wen-travel-pro.zip and click Install Now button
You can use FTP client like FileZilla to connect your web server.
- Unzip wen-travel-pro.zip to your Desktop.
- Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of WEN Travel Pro Theme.
After successfully installing the required theme, you need to activate your theme. Follow the given steps to activate the theme.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- You will see the WEN Travel Pro theme in the list.
- Click the Activate button.
- After clicking in activate button the theme will be activate.
- Now go to “Appearance => Theme License” and then add the license key. Click on “Save Changes” and “Activate” button.
- Note: you can find you license key in My Account page.
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Install Plugins. From there, install and activate Catch Themes Demo Import.
- Then click on “Catch Themes Demo Import” under Appearance panel.
- Finally, click on Import Demo Data button only once and wait for it to complete import.
- It can take a couple of minutes, and will display “That’s it, all done!” message after the import is completed.
For Site Identity: Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity” and you will see option for Logo, Site Title, Tagline and Site Icon.
- Logo:
- To upload logo, click on “Select Logo” and if you already have logo then you can replace the existing logo by clicking on “Change logo”
- Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
- Finally, click on “Publish”
- Site Title: You can just type in the title such as brand name of your site and click on “Publish”
- Tagline: You can just type in the Tagline, such as your brand slogan of your site and click on “Publish”
- If you want to disable Site Title and Tagling then just uncheck “Display Site Title and Tagline”. Finally click on “Publish”
- Site Icon: It is also commenly know as Favicon. Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. Click on “Select site icon” and if you already have site logo then you can replace the existing site icon by clicking on “Change image”
Colors: You have the option to change the Base Color Scheme and it’s color individual color elements.
To change colors:
- Go to “Apperance => Customize => Color”
- Then, you can set “Base Color Scheme”
- Futher, you can use color picker to change the color code of various elements of the site. So, change it as per your need
- Finally, click on “Publish”
This theme supports WordPress code Custom Header Media. So, you can add “Header Image” or “Header Video” as per your need.
This theme supports the default header image functionality of the WordPress core. So, you can add a header image to your site as per your needs.
How to Add/Replace Header Image?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”, you will see the Default Header image that came with the theme. If you want to replace that then click on “Add new image”. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and finally click on the “Publish” button.
This theme supports the default header video functionality of the WordPress core. So, you can add a header video to your site as per your needs.
How to Add Header Video?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”, you will see “Header Video” options and you can either upload video by clicking on “Select Video” button or to save your website bandwidth you can upload video in youtube and add youtube video URL in “enter a YouTube URL:”. Finally, click on the “Publish” button.
Note: If you are adding video then also add the image as by default WordPress core uses Video only in Desktop and will show alternate header image in the mobile. But if you want to do advance settings and also show header video in mobile too then you can use plugin like “Header Enhancement Pro“
This theme has an additional option to add a logo/image in header media.
How to add Logo/Image in Header Media?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”, you will see the option “Header Media Logo” from there click on the “Select Image” button. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and finally click on the “Publish” button.
This theme also has the option to add Title, Subtitle, Text, and button in Header Media.
How to Add/Edit Header Media Text and Buttons?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Media”, you will see text field options like “Header Media Subtitle, Header Media Title, Site Header Text, Header Media Url, Header Media Url Text, Open Link in New Window/Tab”. So, add/edit those as per your need. Finally, click on the “Publish” button.
This theme supports the default background image functionality of WordPress core. So, you can add a background image to your site as per your needs.
How to Add/Replace Background Image?
Go to “Appearance => Customize => Background Image”, click on “Select image” and if you already have a background image then you can replace the existing image by clicking on “Change image”. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library. There are order options like preset, image positions, image size, repeat background, and scroll. You can adjust as per your need and finally click on the “Publish” button.
Custom Menus are a list of common links that are usually displayed as the main navigation for your site. The menu location can vary depending on your theme. This theme offers 4 menu locations.
- Primary Menu: This is the main menu of the theme and it will show on the header section
- Header Social Menu: This theme also support social links menu. When you assign menu to this location, it will automatically convert menu items to corresponding icons for popular social media sites. Tt will show the social icons on the to the header right section
- Top Social Menu: This is the optional top social menu and it will show the social icons on the header top section. You need to enable Header Top Section to to view this menu
- Footer Social Menu: This is the optional social menu and it will show the social icons on the footer section
To create custom menus
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Menus”
- If your theme already has a custom menu, you can click on it to begin editing
- If your theme does not have a custom menu, then click on “Create New Menu”
- Give your menu a name
- Select Menu Locations where you want the menu to appear, as mention above this theme have 3 custom menu locations
- Click “Next” to begin adding items to your new menu. There are default menu items like
- Custom Link: Adds a custom URL linking to another site or social site
- Pages: Add a link to page on your site
- Posts: Add a link to post on your site
- Categories: Add a link to category on your site, which will show blog posts from a given category
- Tags: Add a link to tag on your site, which will show blog posts from a given tag
This theme also supports the social links menu. You need to create a social menu the same as a custom menu and just add link to your social site using custom links.
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Menus”
- If your theme already has a social menu, you can click on it to begin editing
- If your theme does not have a social menu, then click on “Create New Menu”
- Give your menu a name, best will be like “Social Menu”
- Select Menu Locations where you want this social menu to appear, as mention above this theme have 4 custom menu locations for social menu
- Click “Next” to begin adding items to your social menu
- Click on “Add Items” and click on “Custom Link”
- Add the address for one of your social media profiles in the URL field. For example, if the link to your Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/wenthemes/, you would copy that into the URL field
- You can also enter a name for the social media profile in the Link Text field. Once you’re ready, click Add to Menu
- Repeat the above steps until all the social media profiles you wish to use have been added to the menu
- Finally, click Publish
Widget is a fancy word for tools or content that you can add, arrange, and remove from the sidebars (Widget Areas) of your site. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your sidebars (Widget Areas).
This theme has 16 Sidebars (widget areas):
- Sidebar: This is your site main sidebar, which is displayed on the right or left side of your site content. This sidebar is visible only when you select the layout as “Right Sidebar” or “Left Sidebar”
- Footer Widget 1: This is your first sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 2: This is your second sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 3: This is your third sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- Footer Widget 4: This is your fourth sidebar section in Footer, which is displayed on the bottom of your site
- WP Travel Archive Sidebar: This is optional sidebar for the WP Travel Plugin plugin archive pages and which will replace the default Sidebar
- WooCommerce Sidebar: This is optional sidebar for your shop and all the WooCommerce plugin pages which will replace the default Sidebar
- 404 Page Not Found Content: This is optional sidebar for your 404 page which will replace the default content of 404 page
- Optional Homepage Sidebar: This is an optional homepage sidebar which will replace the main sidebar on the homepage
- Optional Archive Sidebar: This is an optional archive sidebar which will replace the main sidebar on the archive pages
- Optional Page Sidebar: This is an optional page sidebar which will replace the main sidebar on the single page
- Optional Post Sidebar: This is an optional post sidebar which will replace the main sidebar on the single post
- Optional Sidebar One: This is an extra sidebar 1 which you can select in any of your page or post. This sidebar can replace sidebar
- Optional Sidebar Two: This is an extra sidebar 2 which you can select in any of your page or post. This sidebar can replace sidebar
- Optional Sidebar Three: This is an extra sidebar 3 which you can select in any of your page or post. This sidebar can replace sidebar
- Newsletter: This is a widget area to add newsletter widget which will show newsletter in your homepage newsletter section
From Customize section, go to Homepage Setting you will see two option.
- Your latest posts: When you choose this option your homepage will display your latest posts. This option is used when you are creating a simple blog site. But if you want a static front page with custom sections then you need to go with “a static page” option.
- A static page: When you choose this option, you will be able to select the page for your Homepage as well as the page to show your latest posts in Posts page. That is why you will get the following two options
- Homepage: Here you can select any page which you want to show in your homepage. Note: All the custom sections of homepage will only be visible on Homepage once you set a page for the Homepage Setting option.
- Posts page: Here you can select any page where you want to show all your latest posts.
Theme options are specific options or customization elements related to the theme modules. These modules enhance the site features.
We have 30 modules:
- Collection
- Comment Options
- Contact
- Excerpt Options
- Featured Content
- Featured Slider
- Font Family Options
- Footer Options
- Gallery
- Header Options
- Header Top Options
- Hero Content
- Homepage/ Frontpage Options
- Layout Options
- Logo Slider
- Menu Options
- Pagination Options
- Portfolio
- Portfolio Two
- Promotion Headline
- Promotion Headline Two
- Scrollup Options
- Search Options
- Sections Sorter
- Services
- Stats
- Team
- Testimonials
- WooCommerce Products Showcase
- WooCommerce Options
- WP Travel: Featured Trips
- WP Travel: Latest Trips
- WP Travel: Trip Filter
The Collection module is designed to showcase your collection.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Collection.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => collection” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Number of items to show: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Collection. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Collection type that the theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Button Text: Text of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Button Link: Link of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Option to open link in New Window/Tab
- Make all the necessary adjustments as per your need and finally, click the “Publish” button
The Comment Options module gives you a quick option to disable comments on your site. By default, it will use the WordPress core settings but you can change that to “disable is pages” or “disable completely”. You can manage it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Comment Options”.
The contact module is designed to highlight your special details like Special Offer and also add contact details.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Contact Options” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Price Title: Type in the Title. It will display title on the left column
- Currency Price: Type in the currency symbol
- Price Amount: Type in the amount
- Per Person Text: It’s the title for the price scheme
- Price Description: Type in the description of the offer
- Offer Title: Here you can add in the Title for the listing of offer
- Offer Listing: List the offer and each items in new line
- Link Text: Add in the Text for the link
- Link Url: Input the URL where you want the above text to be linked
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Enable to open link in New Window
- Right Section: In this section you select the type: Page, Post or Custom. This will display the content on the right column.
- Add in the information as per the type selected
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
You can change the Archive/homepage/blog page excerpt length and continue reading button text from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Excerpt Options”.
The featured content module is designed to showcase your important content.
Signify Pro theme supports 5 different types of Featured Content.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
- Custom Post Type
So, to add featured content, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Content” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Layout: Choose the layout from 1 colum, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various featurd content type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Featured Content: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Featured Content. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Button Text: Text of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Button Link: Link of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Option to open link in New Window/Tab
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The featured slider module is designed to showcase your main image and content for your site in a slide.
Signify Pro theme supports 4 different types of Featured Slider.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
So, to add featured slider, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Transition In and Transition Out to control the animation type
- Enable or disable option like: Display nav arrows, Display nav dots, Autoplay, Loop (Last to first)
- Transition timeout: Time for the slide
- Select Slider Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various featurd slider type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Slides: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Featured Slider. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
You can change the font family and choose the desired typography. For that you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Font Family Options”. Here you will see following options:
- Default Font Family
- Site Title Font Family
- Site Tagline Font Family
- Navigation Font Family
- Content Title Font Family
- Content Body Font Family
- Headings Tags from h1 to h6 Font Family
- Section Title Font
- Check to reset fonts: Use this option to set font with default value
For, this you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Footer Options”.
In Footer Options you will see:
- Copyright Text: From here you can edit/delete the copyright text “Copyright © 2020 WEN Travel Pro”
- Powered By Text: From here you can edit/delete the powered by text “WEN Travel Pro by WEN Themes”
- Reset Footer Content: Use this option to set footer text to default value
The gallery module is designed to showcase your images in a predefined grid style. For this you need to install and active “Catch Gallery” plugin. After installing and activating the Catch Gallery plugin, you can manage it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Gallery”.
This option is there to change the layout of the header. From here, you can choose the Header Style as “One or Two”.
Header Style One is the default header style with center Site Branding, search on left, and social icons on right. The main menu is below the Site Branding.
In the Header Style Two layout, the Site Branding will move to the left, whereas Search and Menu will be aligned to the right of the header.
Transparent Header: Header Media or Featured Slider needs to be turned on for transparent header to take effect. This option will move the Header Media/Featured Slider below the Header Elements.
Header Top option gives you the option to enable the “Header top” bar and its elements. You can manage it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Top Options”.
If you don’t enable this module then your
“Top Social Menu” will not be displayed. Further, you will get the option to change/add the following:
- Mobile Menu Label
- Display Date
- Link Text
- Link URL
- Open Link in New Window/Tab
- Phone
- Address
Hero Content module is designed to showcase your important content.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Hero Content.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Hero Content” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various hero content type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Make all the necessary adjustment as per your need and finally, click “Publish” button
Homepage / Frontpage options settings are used to control “Recent Posts/Content on homepage” and “Recent Posts on Static Page”.
You can manage this from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Homepage / Frontpage Options”.
Layout options setting is used to control the look and feel of your site. You can manage this from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”.
WEN Travel Pro theme has the following options.
- Site Layout: This is the main layout of your site. You can choose between Fluid Layout (Full Screen) and Boxed (Fixed Site Width)
- Default Layout: This is the main layout that is related to your sidebar. There are 4 options
- Right Sidebar ( Content, Primary Sidebar ): If you select this option, then you will have sidebar on the right side of the content.
- Left Sidebar ( Primary Sidebar, Content ): If you select this option, then you will have sidebar on the left side of the content.
- No Sidebar: If you select this option, then you will just have content. It is good for distration free reading.
- No Sidebar: Full Width: If you select this option, then you will just have content. It’s similar to No Sidebar but there the content area will be full width. This layout is mainly used to landing page.
- Homepage/Archive Layout: This is optional for your Homepage/Archive pages. This option will overwrite the default layout only in Homepage/Archive pages. It has the same 4 options like in Default Layout.
- Archive Content Layout: This is the layout that is related to your content and featured image on your archive pages. There are 3 options
- Excerpt with Featured Image: If you select this option, then you will see a featured image on the left side of your content. It will just display the excerpt of your content.
- Show Full Content With Image: If you select this option, then you will see a featured image on the left side of your content. It will display the full content and here you can adjust the excerpt as per your need with the more tag
- Show Full Content ( No Featured Image ): If you select this option, then you will just full content without featured image
- Single Page title: This option will remove the title of is page and post.
- Single Page/Post Image: This option is related to the Featured Image of the page/post. So, by default in a single page/post, there is no featured image. But you can change this from here.
- WooCommerce Layout: This is optional for your eCommerce pages. For this, you need to install and active the “WooCommerce” plugin. This option will overwrite the default layout only in eCommerce pages created for the WooCommerce plugin. It has the same 4 options like in Default Layout.
The Logo Slider module can be used to display the logo of our client/affiliates.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Logo Slider.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Logo Slider” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Layout: Here you can select the layout you want. The options are 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns and 5 columns
- Subtitle: Type in the Sub Title. This is optional
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- You have option to select the slider options like Display nav arrows, Display nav dots, Autoplay and loop (Last to first) and Transition timeout
- Number of items to show: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Logo Slider. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Logo Slider type that the theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Make all the necessary adjustments as per your need and finally, click the “Publish” button
The menu options settings are designed to add/remove elements from the menu.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Menu Options”
- Search in Primary Menu: Check this option to enable search in Primary Menu
- Cart Icon: Check this option to enable cart in Primary Menu. This will only work with WooCommerce pluign
- Menu Type: Here you can switch between modern and classic menu type
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The pagination options settings are developed to change the menu type.
Please follow the instructions below:
- First, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Pagination”
- Then, select the desire type in “Pagination Type”
- Finally, click on “Publish” button
Note:For infinite scrolling, use Catch Infinite Scroll Plugin.
The portfolio module is designed to showcase your portfolio.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 5 different types of Portfolio.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
- Custom Post Type
So, to add portfolio, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Portfolio” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Portfolio Layout: Choose the layout from 1 colum, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Select Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various featurd portfolio type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Number of items to show: Enter number to show in Featured Content. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The portfolio Two module is designed to showcase your second portfolio. This has the same options as in Portfolio.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 5 different types of Portfolio Two.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
- Custom Post Type
So, to add portfolio, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Portfolio Two” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Portfolio Layout: Choose the layout from 1 colum, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Select Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various featurd portfolio type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Number of items to show: Enter number to show in Featured Content. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The promotion headline module is designed to showcase your promotional content.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Promotion Headline.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Promotion Headline” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Promotion Headline type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Make all the necessary adjustment as per your need and finally, click “Publish” button
The promotion headline Two module is designed to showcase your promotional content. This has the same options as in promotion headline.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Promotion Headline Two.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Promotion Headline Two” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Promotion Headline type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Make all the necessary adjustment as per your need and finally, click “Publish” button
The Scrollup options allows you to enable to disable the small “Top Top” arrow navigation at the bottom right corner of your site. You can manage it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scrollup Options”.
The Search Options allows you to edit the default Search Text field. You can manage it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Search Options”.
This section helps you to change the order of the theme modules (Sections). You can click on the section that you want to change the order and then drag up and down as per your need.
We have fullowing 21 modules (sections) that you can change the order as per your need:
- Header Media
- Slider
- Hero Content
- Services
- Portfolio
- Stats
- Testimonial
- Promotion Headline
- Contact Section
- Team
- Gallery
- Main Content
- Recent Posts ( Only on homepage )
- Newsletter
- Woo Product Showcase
- Featured Content
- Logo Slider
- WP Travel: Trip Filter
- WP Travel: Latest Trips
- WP Travel: Featured Trips
The service module is designed to showcase your service details.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 5 different types of Services.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
- Custom Post Type
So, to add service, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Services” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Layout: Choose the layout from 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various services type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Items: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Services. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Button Text: Text of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Button Link: Link of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Option to open link in New Window/Tab
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The Special offer module is designed to showcase special deals and offers.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Soecial Offer.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Special Offer” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Special Offer type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Make all the necessary adjustment as per your need and finally, click “Publish” button
The Stats module is designed to showcase your stats details.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Stats.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
So, to add service, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Stats” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Layout: Choose the layout from 1 colum, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various stats type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Items: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Stats. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Button Text: Text of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Button Link: Link of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Option to open link in New Window/Tab
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The Team module is designed to showcase your team member details.
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 4 different types of Team.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
So, to add service, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Team” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Layout: Choose the layout from 1 colum, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
- Title: Type in the Title. This is optional
- Description: Type in the short description. This is optional
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various team type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- No of Items: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Stats. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- Button Text: Text of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Button Link: Link of the button. This is optional only use it if you want to show button
- Open Link in New Window/Tab: Option to open link in New Window/Tab
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
The Testimonials module is designed to showcase your review and rating on your site
WEN Travel Pro theme supports 5 different types of Team.
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Custom
- Custom Post Type
So, to add service, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Testimonials” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Select Transition In and Transition Out to control the animation type
- Enable or disable option like: Display nav dots, Autoplay, Loop (Last to first)
- Transition timeout: Time for the slide
- Type: This option will allow you to switch between the various Testimonials type that theme has. So, select the one that fits your need
- Number of items: Enter number between 1 and 20 to show in Testimonials. Save and refresh the page to change the number of items
- Testimonial Title: Check to enable Title of the Testimonials content
- Add the details as per the type you have selected
- After you make all the necessary adjustments. Finally, click “Publish” button
WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source eCommerce solution. WEN Travel Pro theme supports WooCommerce Plugin. To enable eCommerce in this theme, you need to install and active the WooCommerce Plugin.
Installing WooCommerce Pluing
- Login to your site WordPress Dashboard
- Go to “Pluings => Add New”. Then in the Search box, type “WooCommerce”
- After this, click on “Install Now” and after the installation, click on “Active”
- For more please visit the WooCommerce documentation page at https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/installation-2/
This WooCommerce Products Showcase option is there to showcase your Products. This is really useful for the online Store to showcase various products. For this option, you need to activate WooCommerce Plugin.
So, to add WooCommerce Products Showcase, please follow the instructions as below:
- Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WooCommerce Products Showcase” and enable it from “Enable on” option
- Then fill in the necessary items as per your need
- After you make all the necessary adjustment. Finally, click “Publish” button
This WooCommerce option is there to edit few settings on the WooCommerce plugin. For this option, you need to activate WooCommerce Plugin. You will be able to edit “Shop Page Subtitle”, enable/disable “Product Gallery Zoom, Product Gallery Lightbox, and Product Gallery Slider). You can edit these options from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WooCommerce Options”.
WP Travel is a free powerful travel engine for making customized travel agency or tour operator websites on WordPress in minutes! With this SEO-friendly & scalable WordPress travel engine, you can create customized itineraries & travel packages on the fly.
This theme supports WP Travel Plugin. To enable Travel features in this theme, you need to install and active the WP Travel Plugin.
Installing WP Travel Pluing
- Login to your site WordPress Dashboard
- Go to “Pluings => Add New”. Then in the Search box, type “WP Travel”
- After this, click on “Install Now” and after the installation, click on “Active”
- For more please visit the WP Travel Plugin documentation page at https://wptravel.io/wp-travel-docs/
WP Travel: Featured Trips module is used to highlight your trips. For this, you need to in WP Travel Plugin.
You can enable it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WP Travel: Featured Trips” and then select the layout. You will also get the option to add in the title and description. After you make all the necessary adjustments. Finally, click the “Publish” button.
WP Travel: Latest Trips module is used to highlight your recent trips. For this, you need to in WP Travel Plugin.
You can enable it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WP Travel: Latest Trips”. You can add Title and Description for this section as per your need. Further, you can also select “Taxonomy Dropdown”. After you make all the necessary adjustments. Finally, click the “Publish” button.
WP Travel: Latest Trip Filter module is used to show the Trip filter search. For this, you need to in WP Travel Plugin.
You can enable it from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WP Travel: Trip Filter”. You can add the background image, enable or disable the “Location and Itinerary” filter, and Keyword text. After you make all the necessary adjustments. Finally, click the “Publish” button.
You can use the CSS editor to customize the appearance of your site. It works by allowing you to add your own CSS styles, which allows you to override the default styles of your Theme. To access the CSS editor, go to “Appearance = Customize => Additional CSS”.
Posts and pages can have a single featured image, which theme uses to enhance the presentation of your site. So, it’s generally good practice to add featured image in our post and page the time of creation. But if you missed adding the featured image, then you can further edit the post and page and add the featured image.
Follow the instruction below to add a featured image:
- Either you are adding new page/post or editing existing page/post. Just be in the page/post editor of the page/post in which you want to add featured immage
- Then locate the “Featured Image” module on the right side
- Click Set Featured Image
- Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on “Set Featured Image” button
- If you are creating new page/post, then you can click on “Publish” button but if you are editing existing page/post, then you can click on “Update”