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  • #119973
    Diego Jauré

    I’m runing out of sidebars, so I need more widget areas but I can’t find a way to make new ones like it happens with every other wordpress theme. What can I do?



    Regarding your query, you can add sidebars following the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Widgets and drag any widgets as per your requirement on the sidebar widget section. You can be referred to the screen record given below to be more clear.



    Diego Jauré

    Thanks for your quick response but I’m sorry I think you didn’t get my question, in your video for example you have only 4 extra sidebars, I wanna have 6 extra sidebars more. I dont wanna add more widgets, I want more widget areas to use as sidebars, 4 is too few for me.



    The feature to add 6 sidebars is currently not available. As much as we would love to help you, we are unable to do so as it requires hiring code customization. So you can consider hiring a freelancer or our professional developer.


    If you have further queries, let us know.


    Diego Jauré

    Really?? A customizer for extra sidebars???? It’s just a line of code.
    This can be done with a free plugin, or making a child theme. I just though you could give me a clean way using your theme, I didn’t know you put out the button to make more widget areas just to make us pay you more.

    Thanks but no thanks.


    Hello @djoules,

    Since there are only four extra sidebars, adding new sidebar will require higher code customization as we have mentioned. If it would have been solved adding few lines of code then we would have definitely provided the code.

    So for this, we are unable to help you as it is beyond the support we offer for our product.

    Hope you understand.

    If you have any other queries related to the theme then kindly let us know.

    Thank you.

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