Home Forums Pro Themes Whole Pro Why is the color of my logo seems inverted after publishing?

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  • #196935
    dan abiad

    Please help!
    I uploaded an image which I will be using as the logo for my website. However when I published the changes, the color of the logo seems to have been inverted.

    You may check the original logo and the inverted color upon publish in the image link below

    color inverted
    color inverted

    What could be possibly wrong? How do I fix it?

    • This topic was modified 3 days, 9 hours ago by dan abiad.

    You can add this CSS in the Additional CSS. This will help to fix the issue

    .site-logo img {
    -webkit-filter: none;
    -moz-filter: none;
    -ms-filter: none;
    -o-filter: none;
    filter: none;

    dan abiad

    Already applied the additional CSS and it worked! Many thanks @PSINK, I appreciate your help!

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