Home Forums Pro Themes Whole Pro Changing Header Area Background Color

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  • #196982
    dan abiad

    Hi again!

    I’m trying to change the background color of the header area where the menu bar and logo is located. however, the CSS I tried did not work. Can you help me with this?

    This is my original code. But it does not apply to my site.

    .site-branding-container {
    	background-color: #afc0e0;
    dan abiad

    Btw, this is the site URI I am updating: https://www.muog89.ph

    dan abiad

    In addition, can you also help me to change the background color of the dropdown menu as well?

    Again, your helpful support is highly appreciated.


    Please try this one CSS

    // For changing header color

    .site-branding-container {
    background-color: #afc0e0 !important;

    // for changing the background color of drop-down menu

    .main-navigation ul ul{
    background-color: #bdbdbd !important;

    Hope this will helps you

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