Home Forums Pro Themes Clean Commerce Pro Clean Commerce Pro background image and frontpage widget questions

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    First built my site in Clean Commerce theme (I’m assuming this is the right forum, since I didn’t find the exact theme name in the list). Everything was great. Then I bought CC Pro, and basically only changed color on the top header (the menus). In the pro version I have two problems that I can’t figure out:

    1. The background image is covered by white background of the site. There’s only a very small area visible, but the rest is covered over white content background. This was not a problem in CC. How do I get the background image again? Settings are the same.

    2. How do I remove the front page widget space? It takes up valuable space between content and navigation menu, and I can’t remove it. Best thing I did so far was to put an empty text widget, but it still takes space. Doesn’t seem to be a choice anywhere?



    Hello @robin@satrent.se,

    Thank you for loving Clean Commerce Pro theme which is very appreciating. We would try to provide you specific solution if we could monitor your current website you have set up so far. If possible, could you please share us your site URL here in this forum ?


    Sure, no problem. Satrent.se
    I rolled back to CC Free, which is working fine. Same settings after installing CC Pro, except changing top menu color (where I have my main navigation). Basically no other changes that should affect this.


    Hello @robin@satrent.se,

    While we tried to recreate the issues you have explained for the pro version of the theme, we could not actually recreate the issues correctly. The background image can be used and seen like in the free version of the theme.

    Currently, your website is running the free version of the Clean Commerce theme, could you please switch back to the pro version of the theme so that we could better visualize the issue and suggest a possible fix ?

    Best Regards !!


    Done 🙂


    Hello @robin@satrent.se,

    While we have inspected your website it is seen that the issue has been caused by some CSS in the theme’s style.css file.

    The theme’s style file contains the CSS for the background which is not in the theme files itself. Please make sure you have not made any custom CSS changes to the theme’s style.css files directly.

    You can also verify that the theme has been downloaded and installed correctly in your website.

    For the quick fix for the issues, you can also try adding the following custom CSS in your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS :

    div#sidebar-front-page-widget-area {
        display: none;
    div#content {
        background: none;

    Please note that as the CSS completely removes the Widget area from the front page, you will need to remove it first in case you decide to display the widgets in the front page.

    Hope this helps,

    Best Regards !!


    Perfect, it’s working! :-))

    I didn’t make any changes to the style.css, or at least I don’t remember it (spend quite some time on this migration from static HTML to WP and this theme, so it’s all a mist of config files and HTML). 🙂

    But now it works and I have the site how I want to have it, thanks for your help!


    Hello @robin@satrent.se,

    Glad we could help !!

    Please feel free to post your queries if you need any assistance further.

    We will really appreciate if you could help us too by rating our theme in WordPress repo here:-

    Best Regards !!

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