Home Forums Free Themes Flat Commerce remove my account-shoppingcart-basket from header


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  • #29496

    Because i work as a affiliate i dont need the my account-shoppingcart-basket.

    How / where can i remove this?


    Hello @123gevonden,

    We are actually having trouble understanding your query correctly. The free version of the Flat Commerce theme does not have an option to enable / disable the cart section in the header section.

    Please check and verify if you are using the Pro version of the theme that has the option to enable / disable the cart options from Appearance > Customize > Menu > Additional Menu options.

    Also, please paste in the site URL of your website explaining the section so that we could help you with the issue further.

    Best Regards !!


    Excuse me. My mistake. I using clean commerce. Does clean commerce pro also have this option?


    Hello @123gevonden

    This section in the header section comes once you activate the WooCommerce plugin.

    Also the feature to remove them is not available in free as well as pro version , but it can be removed by using simple CSS code .

    For this you can go to to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste the below CSS

    div#cart-section {
        display: none;

    Though pro version does not have this feature , it comes with other more exciting feature and if you want to know more about the pro version refer to the below link.


    If you have any problem further , please let us know.

    Best Regards!!

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