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  • #95794


    1) I want to by travel ultimate pro theme and i need a Font (Covered By Your Grace, cursive) with a Cyrillic support.
    Or how can i replace standart font?

    2) do i need to by any other plugins to make site like in your demo?


    one more question.
    How about Russian language support and can i add another payment gateway (sberbank for example or yandex money)


    Hello @vll1985,

    First of all thank you very much for your interest in the theme. Please find answer your queries below:

    As for the font, currently, we do not have the option to chose the font as per our requirement so for this you need to hire our professional developer.

    To hire a developer, please refer to below-given link:


    Regarding the query about the demo, you can set up your site as in the demo and for this, you need to activate the plugin “one click demo import” which is recommended by the theme itself.

    Also, the theme is already translation ready and can be translated in any language you want. For the translation, you can use the loco translate plugin

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any confusion further then kindly let us know.

    Thank you.

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