

By: Theme Palace
License: free Version: 1.2.4 updated: 2024-04-30 Instructions Support

BlogSlog is a powerful WordPress blog theme with tons of features. It comes with a custom header, custom background, and unlimited colors. BlogSlog has multiple navigation menus and a social menu on the top. The theme is a perfect fit for all kind of blogs such as food blogs, travel journals, personal blogs many more. BlogSlog is a fully responsive design that always remains mobile-friendly and will render perfectly on all devices.

Comparision between free and pro version.

Other exciting features

  • Live Customizer

    With the innovative WordPress Live Customizer, you will be able to preview the changes made to your WordPress website in real time before pushing them live.

  • Layout Options

    Multitude of layout options enable the users to change the look and feel of their website by adjusting sidebars in a different position for a specific page or post.

  • Theme Options

    Our WordPress themes have simple yet powerful theme options. Users can customize various aspects of their site, from colors and layouts to widgets, menus, and more.

  • Responsive Design

    The responsive design of our themes offer optimal user experience across various devices and screen resolutions including desktop computers, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.

  • Extra Widgets

    Use our widgets to transform your website. They allow you to add static and dynamic content in the widgetized areas such as sidebars and footers.

  • Incredible Support

    We strive to provide top-notch tech support to all of our customers. With our seasoned support staff, you can rest assured that you’ll have your blog up and running in no time.

  • Child theme Compatible

    You can make your own child theme without editing the parent theme code and without any fear of losing your changes on update.

  • Color Options

    Our themes include powerful color pickers to change color throughout the entire theme. Moreover, you have the power to change from pre-defined color skins with one click!

  • Threaded Comments

    The threaded comments option are a great way to help your readers follow the discussion on your WordPress blog. This option also makes replying to comments a cinch.

  • Dropdown Menu

    You can easily add drag-and-drop menus with our themes. They help users find information and browse through different sections of your websites.

  • Translation Ready

    Though English is the default language of our themes, you can also translate them to your native language, for our themes are translation ready.

  • Custom Logo

    Our themes support custom logos. Further your brand by uploading an image which will serve as the logo to your website, via the customizer.

  • Cross Browser Support

    We ensure that all of our themes are compatible with the popular internet browsers. It’s important that your website performs well for everyone who visits it.