Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro bbPress page empty

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  • #25764

    If I switch to the free Education Hub it works fine, but something in the Education Hub Pro theme is broken. I suspect something that forces an overwrite in the themes that other addons use. I had this same problem with Events Calendar Pro, but I was able to resolve that by telling Events Calendar to use it’s own theme and not the site theme. bbPress does not have that same option.

    url: http://sfdcert.org/forums/


    Hello @danjohnsonjr,

    The issue regarding the error loading the bbPress forum templates in the theme has been marked as a known issue and will surely be fixed in the upcoming update of the Education Hub Pro theme.

    As a quick fix for the issue you can load the bbPress template for the theme individually via child theme approach.

    To know more about child themes see the link here : https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

    You can also choose to use the child theme creation plugin to automate the task.

    After you have created and activated the child theme please create a new file and name it “bbpress.php” in your Child Theme Directory and paste in the following code block in the file :

    This will create the template for the bbpress pages in the theme. You can also see the link here for more info on bbPress theme : https://codex.bbpress.org/themes/theme-compatibility/getting-started-in-modifying-the-main-bbpress-template/

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!

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