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  • #89607
    jason gruver

    Changing home screen layout.I would like to have the “meet our team” be just like the demo model, how do I do that?
    And how do I get rid of the services/products? I can’t find the wedge it in the customization. Please see attached image


    Hello @eopala,

    To make the team section as in the demo at first activate the plugin “Team View”. After that You will find the menu “Team members” in the Admin Panel. Just add the team member from there. Finally, go to Appearance > Widgets and add ” Team View: Grid” widget in your desired widget area.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any issues further kindly let us know.

    Best Regards!!

    jason gruver

    thank you for the easy fix. how do i get rid of the “Product / Service #1”


    Hello @eopala,

    Glad we could help.

    As for your query, can you please provide the screenshot of the issue as we are not able to find where it is.

    PS: Please provide your site URL for the precise fix.

    Thank you.


    jason gruver

    Hello @eopala,

    To remove the title as you have mentioned, please add below given CSS by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    .entry-content h3.fl-callout-title {
        display: none;

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

    jason gruver

    good morning. Buy adding the code it seemed ro remove the title, but not the 3 boxes and content

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