Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Disable Post Navigation Completely (Prev-Next)

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  • #196004


    I want to disable previous – next navigation bar in the single post. I do not want to hide it through CSS as I want to completely disable it that should not even show in the source code or visible to google.

    Please help me suggest the code for the same.

    Waiting for your early reply,



    We regret to inform you that there is currently no theme option available to disable post navigation. Since you prefer not to disable it using CSS, the only alternative is to edit the theme code directly.

    You can remove the post navigation code from the single.php file.

    To assist you with this, we have created a screen recording demonstrating how to remove the post navigation code: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/28373853

    If you don’t want to edit the theme code

    The best way to deal is to create child theme and override single.php. You can create the child theme of Education Hub Pro

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