Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Full width header image


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  • #18956

    Is it possible to have more of the image height show in the header?


    After minimizing my desktop to view and then expand the window slightly, the white space re-appears. Also I would like the header image to be larger or fill the space with a higher image.

    Screenshot: http://www4.esu.edu/images/wordpress/education2.jpg


    Hello @mlevine3@esu.edu

    Since the theme itself provides the option for Custom CSS we would like you to remove the Custom CSS plugin that you are currently using.

    Whatever Custom CSS you want to add you can add it thorough Custom CSS that the theme provides.

    And for the white spacing we need to see your backend credentials cause we need to check by adding custom CSS. It seems that you have lot of custom CSS added. So we are finding it difficult to find the exact solution.

    So, if possible send your credential at support[at]wensolutions.com

    Hope you understand.

    Best Regards!!!


    I think I figured out most of the issues except for one. How can I control the height of the header image in mobile? The image is pretty small on mobile.


    Hello @mlevine3@esu.edu

    Ok, to increase height of the header image in mobile version try adding below Custom CSS.

    @media only screen and (min-width : 320px) and (max-width : 736px) { 
    	#masthead {
        	min-height: 160px !important;

    Hope this will help to resolve your issue.

    Best Regards!!!


    OK that increased the image height. What I noticed that the white space above the menu button starts to increase. The higher I make the image the more white space appears above the button.

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