Home Forums Pro Themes Magpaper Pro Remove Author, Date, and Slash in Between Across Entire Site

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  • Author
  • #117793
    Bob Gonsalves

    I found the following code from another person who was inquiring about a similar issue:

    .byline, .author{
    display: none;

    This code did delete the author display, and we were able to remove the date on our own. However, we are still seeing the slash “/” that separated the author and date.

    The name of our site is: http://trailer-boats.com/

    You will see the issue there. How do we remove the slash?

    Thank you in advance.



    You can add CSS following the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS,

    .entry-meta span {
            display: none;

    This will help you remove the slash from the site.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.

    Thank you.

    Bob Gonsalves

    Thank you. This code did remove the slash. However, we are now noticing that when you select any one of our posts from our Homepage, the post page now displays the word “by:” on the top of the side on the left and right of the header image.

    Here is a link to one of our posts to help illustrate this: https://trailer-boats.com/2020/03/boat-envy-27-amara-by-g3-pontoon-boat/

    Is there additional code to be used to remove the word “by:” on the top of our site before the post’s titles?

    Thank you in advance.



    When we inspected your site, we didn’t find any word ‘by’, so once send us the screenshot so that we can provide you with the fix.


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