Home Forums Pro Themes Nature Bliss Pro Responsive Lightbox & Gallery Plugin

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  • #74419

    I am working with the theme Nature Bliss Pro.
    Everything is fine, but after installing the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery Plugin, I noticed, that some settings of the lightbox don’t work.
    I wanted to change the masonry settings, but there is no reaction.
    I used the wordpress gallery.
    Is there some code in your theme, which I should deactivate?

    Best regards,


    Hello @micha009,

    First of all thank you very much for using the pro version of the theme.

    For your information, we have not done any sorts of testing of the plugin you have mentioned with the theme. So we could not exactly say what is exactly creating the issue.

    Also, since the issue is not related to the theme we could not do much about this and as much as we would love to help you with this, we are unable to do so as it falls beyond the support we offer for our product 🙂 .

    Thank you.


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