Home Forums Pro Themes Travel Master Pro Right Sidebar on Trip Page is completely missing

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  • #159262
    Marcus Häusler

    Hi I have a serious Problem.

    On the Trip Details Page, the Right Sidebar is completely missing. The One where the Price of the Trip is displayed, and Trip details as well as the Trip Enquiry…

    The funny Issue is once I switch over to the free Version of Travel Master, the Sidebar is displayed. So either something is completely missing in the PRO version, or I’m just to stupid to get my Sidebar back.

    Anyhow can anybody elaborate why is that? And how do I get the bar back?!


    @K-DESIGN, We are really sorry for your troubles. There is a minor issue in the code. We will update the code within 24 hrs. please update the theme by tomorrow after we release a new update by fixing the issue

    Theme Palace

    Hello Marcus,

    We have updated theme. Can you please check now?


    Marcus Häusler

    Thanks for the swift Response.
    Works as intended now the Sidebar is Back.


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