Home Forums Pro Themes Signify Pro Site Title Not Displaying on Mobile

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  • #196668
    Corinna Brenner

    Hi everyone,

    I’m using the Signify Pro theme for my WordPress site and I’ve run into a problem with the site title not showing up on mobile devices.

    On desktop, both the logo and the site title are displayed perfectly.
    But when I view the site on a mobile device, only the logo is visible — the site title is completely missing.

    I’ve already checked the Customizer settings under “Site Identity” to make sure the option to display the site title is enabled. It’s working fine on desktop but not on mobile.
    Thanks in advance for your help!


    @corinna, Yes the site title by default is hidden for smaller devices. You can add this CSS in the Additional CSS to show the site title on smaller devices

    .wp-custom-logo .site-identity {
    display: block !important;

    Corinna Brenner

    Thank you very much. Unfortunately I can’t adjust the size of the title. Because the size of the title for the desktop version is simply adopted.


    @corinna, You can add the below CSS to adjust the font size of site title and site description

    @media screen and (max-width: 567px) {
    .site-identity .site-title{
    font-size: 18px;

    .site-identity .site-description{
    font-size: 12px;

    Please adjust the font size value as per your requirement

    Corinna Brenner

    thank you very much

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