Home Forums Pro Themes Travel Master Pro Trips on regular pages

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  • #158045

    Hi all,

    I’d like to find out how to edit the “trip page”, the global one, not the ones for single trips via wordpress.

    I am having a hard time to explain, it is basically the page you find at this address:


    I do not like the look of it, and cannot find it anywhere in WordPress. I found it kind of in a random way.

    Even better, if someone can tell me how to create a page featuring some trips only, with a nice display (similar to the page I mentioned before) That is even better.

    I am using WP Travel plugin, not the pro version (not yet).

    If anybody has the information, thanks in advance



    Can you please explain in more details with some reference screenshot? The url you have provided is the local url that’s not works in others laptop.

    The design is prebuilt built it is not possible to edit the page with any other page builder plugins. Only the possible way is to edit the theme code. You can build the child theme and add the code to override the existing code. OR if you want a small changes for example changing color and font style, you can add a additional css in the theme

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Psink.


    thanks for your answer, I cannot attach a screenshot here unfortunately, I will try to be as specific as I can then.

    When you use the “trip search” function on the front page, Or when you use the menu of the “popular destinations” section. Basically when you use any filter from one of the front page features, you end up on a page with all the trips matching your criterias.

    Now, this page displays on the header the text “Archives: Trip”. I really want to change that text, if possible, personalizing it depending on input from client. (for example, if the client asked for all the trip from the South Coast in destination menu, I’d like to have “South Coast Tours” in the header”) Of course, all other options for personalization are also welcome.




    Can you please check this screen record? Is it something like this

    We will release the update by tomorrow, please update the theme


    This is almost it.

    Main difference being that it doesn’t display “search results”+ actual results in my case.

    Only “Archives: Trips”

    Which I really don’t like.

    But the process to reach the page is indeed the same as on the screenshot you provided


    Thanks for making me discover this tool (awesome screenshot).

    Here is what I get:


    Now I can clearly ask all my questions/requests about it 🙂

    1- I want to change the text in the header, I do not know how to do that
    2- I want to change the color of the buttons in the display of the trip
    3- I would like to be able to put those short trip display on a WP page as I wish

    Hope it makes it all much clearer.

    Thank you very much for your help


    Hello Julien,

    Can you please share your site login details through our contact form. We will help you to make changes in the theme

    Here is the link for the contact form



    My site is locally hosted for now.

    Will that not be a problem?

    Let me know if not, I’ll give you login details



    OK no worries please follow my instruction and add some code in the theme files to fixed the above mentioned issues.

    add this code in the helpers.php file at the end of the file by removing previously defined function and replace with this function

    if you don’t know how to edit theme file follow this screen record

    and for the btn color add this css in the additional css, as i have done in the end of the screen record

    .wp-travel-default-article .wp-travel-explore a{
    	background-color: #000;

    change the color code as per your need

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Psink.

    can you please update your theme? i tried to send you a php code to replace the previous function code, but we can post any type of php code in the support ticket. We have already fixed search trip page issue in updated version 1.1.9, please update your theme form version 1.1.8 to 1.1.9


    Hi psink, thank you very much for your time and your help.

    I’ll update my theme and do everything as you showed me.

    It still leaves me with one question though: how can I integrate those trips sumups (the trips as they appear on the filter page) in a regular WP webpage?

    Thanks again


    Can you please share a screenshot or any kind of visual representation? I did not get the exact meaning for your query ” how can I integrate those trips sumups (the trips as they appear on the filter page) in a regular WP webpage”


    I cannot do a screenshot atm, but maybe I can indeed describe better.

    On my previous query, I asked how to customize the “explore” button on the search results page.

    This button is located within a frame that contains the name of the trip, the price etc …

    Can I (and how) display one or several of those frames on a wordpress page?

    If still not clear, let me know, I’ll try to make a screenshot when I’m nearby my computer.



    The second link:


    That is exactly what I would like to integrate on a regular page.

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