Home Forums Free Themes Corpo Eye Two home pages/links on the menu and limited links on the menu

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    I started planning/creating my web site. I want my page to be more static so I created page Home and set it as Front page, I also created Blog page and set it as Posts page. I did this in Customize/Static Front page. Same settings are in Settings/Reading.
    But on web page there are two Home links. Why? How can I delete one? One Home link was appearing from the beginning (page was not visible in Pages in dashboard) but in instructions is stated that if you want static page you must create Home page and set as Front page.
    Second question is related to the top menu/navigation bar. I have created 9 pages but just 6 are showing in the menu (2 Home and 4 more). What is wrong?
    Please help.
    Best regards,


    Hello @goranstam,

    For the home link which is shown in the nav bar you can go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Menus and remove the custom link Home from the menu.

    Also, for the top menu first you have to create desired menu and add your required menu item into the menu you have created . Finally assign the created menu to Top Menu location from Admin Panel > Appearance > Menus or simply going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Menus > Menu Location . Int his way you will have have your desired menu item in top menu location .

    Hoe this helps.

    If you have any confusion further, please let us know .

    Best regards!!


    Hi, thank you, it helped.
    Best regards,


    Hello @goranstam,

    Glad we could help you !!

    If you have any issues further, please feel free to post your queries and we will happily help you further.

    We will really appreciate if you could help us too by rating our theme in WordPress repo here:-


    Best regards !!

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