Home Forums Pro Themes Construction Base Pro CB:Portfolio

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  • #60744

    my client likes the display style of the projects in the homepage, only as an image gallery or portfolio of his work.
    He actually doesn’t have enough information to put in the project page.

    – any other widget that look the same but without the links to projects?

    we need it to integrate with the theme homepage look and feel

    — thank you — hope this is not out of scope


    Hello @tarek-elnazer,

    To remove the link in the image that is displayed in the portfolio section paste below given CSS by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    a.portfolio-thumb {
        pointer-events: none;
    .construction_base_widget_portfolio .portfolio-item-title a {
        pointer-events: none;

    You can also use the default Gallery widget if you only want to display the images without any effects.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

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