Home Forums Free Themes Kids Education Apple App Store logo and google play store logo

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    I can’t get the apple app store logo and the google play store logo to be the same size. I removed the google play store logo because it was way bigger than the apple one.
    I tried adding height and width to the img tag which I know is probably outdated html practice but I tried it and it didn’t work. I tried adding in line css but that didn’t work. I honestly don’t know much about html and css. I tried saving the google play icon and uploading it to my WordPress instead of using a link to their image. That didn’t help.
    Is it something in this theme that’s causing this?


    Oh and my website is http://www.mooreseducation.com
    Like I said, I don’t have the google play store icon on there right now.


    Hello @mooreseducation,

    Thank you for the URL.

    When we tested your site URL, we found that icon for both the Google and Apple are same.

    So we hope every is working fine now.

    If you have any issues further then kindly let us know.

    Best Regards!!


    Oh sorry, I had somebody try to fix it for me, although I don’t really like their solution. Those badges aren’t suppose to be modified and I think they were.
    Thank you for your time so far. I might change it back and ask for your help again if that would be ok?


    Hello @mooreseducation,

    Yes, please do ask us anytime and we will help you.

    PS: Sorry for the delay in response.

    Thank you.


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