Home Forums Free Themes Tourable Remove activities from search on homepage

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  • #209190
    Stephanie Saelman


    I really need to remove activities from my search on the homepage (I don’t have activities). My site is https://vmmakeover.online/

    I’ve tried to reach out but haven’t found a workable solution. Please help!



    Seems you are looking for hiding the middle field from the search form which is the “Itinerary Type” not activities. The code i have provided before is for hidding the activity for that reason the middle field is not hide by the code. Here is the correct one

    add_filter( 'wp_travel_search_filter_input_fields', 'prefix_wp_travel_search_filter_input_fields' );
    function prefix_wp_travel_search_filter_input_fields(){
    $filter_search = array(
    'search' => true,
    'trip_type' => false,
    'location' => true,
    'activity' => false,
    'travel_keywords' => false,
    return $filter_search;

    Please add this code to code snippet. Here you can follow the screen record

    • This reply was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by Psink.
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