Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Can not edit/add any pages after update

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  • #92690
    Danica Lohmeyer

    This evening, I logged onto my site and made edits to some pages, very simple text updates. While I was here, I noticed there were updates to WordPress, themes, and plugins. I decided to update all of these. However there was an error for the Education Hub Pro theme. Looking at the Theme Licence, I also noticed it also said, “Licence in inactive” {odd since I had not turned off and was not expired}. To check, I logged onto your website to retrieve the site key. I then copy/pasted and reactivated. I attempted to follow through with Updates again, and this time it ‘appeared’ to complete the Education Hub Pro update.

    The problem now is that: 1) The Dashboard looks more simplified (like a new site or a basic user 2) I can not edit existing pages 3) Can not add new pages 4) the screen is white text on white – but if you highlight, could see words and red squiggly lines, and also shows a word count at the bottom 5) the toolbar used to edit is non-existent. YET, the live site still seems to be working.

    What went wrong? What would you suggest doing to fix this. FYI: I have already gone through the basics of changing to another theme, disabling all plugins, using another browser, clearing cache, and several more steps.




    The issue that you have reported is quite unlikely to occur.

    Can you please provide us with your login credentials so that we can inspect your issue further?

    Please provide your credentials in the given address : wensolution[at]gmail.com

    Hope to hear from you soon,




    Thank you very much for the login detail.

    When we inspected your dashboard, we found that the issue is not related to the theme. We also did check the issue by switching to the default theme and the issue was still there. So the issue is no related to the theme.

    The issues is in your core files so please check them properly and fix it.

    Let us know if you have any query/confusion further.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!

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