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  • #8768

    Dear sir, I cannot activate slides transition (even thought I’ve put several slides they do not fade out) and again I cannot fing how to modify caption button. Thanks for your answer! S.


    Hello @stefano.marini@uniroma2.it

    As much as we would love to help you but we checked locally the slider transition but it is all working fine in each transition option.
    We would be much clear about your issue if you could provide us your site URL.

    I cannot find how to modify caption button

    This was a bit confusing please elaborate your problem in much details.
    Which caption do want to modify??Or like You want to modify to what??

    Hope this will make your clear.



    The URL is medschol.uniroma2.it. As you can see there are two slide revolutions. In both there is no revolution at all and again the caption button you can see in the upper slide revolution was’nt impossible to modify.


    Hello @stefano.marini@uniroma2.it

    Sorry to inform you that the site URL that you have provided cannot be reached right now.
    I hope you fix this issue and let us know when site can be viewed.





    Hello @stefano.marini@uniroma2.it

    Thanks for the site URL.
    As far as we have inspected your site it seems that you have used some third party plugins. So this may be the plugin issue.

    The Fix:
    The first thing you should do is disable all your plugins, clear your cache and re-load your site to check if everything is working how it should be.
    If it is, then now you can activate your plugins back 1 by 1 and as soon as it breaks you’ll know that last plugin was the one causing issues (make note of this plugin, deactivate then keep doing the same).
    Once you know the plugins causing the issues you can either search for another plugin that does the same functionality but is compatible.

    Hope this will make this issue much clear.
    If you are still having the same issue feel free to post.



    Dear sir, thanks for the mail. I deactivated the previous slider revolution and cleaned the cache but the system does not work again. I’m asking whether the built-in slider revolution that could allow slide transition in home page is already active or must be activated by paying. Another problem is that I have the activation code but even I’ve sent it several times my licence state results unknown and theme inactive. It could be a problem of firewalls in my server?


    Hello @stefano.marini@uniroma2.it

    Sorry to hear that you are having problem with the slider.

    You need to deactivate all the plugins and check for the slider option provided by the theme.
    Go to Admin Panel / Appearance / Customize / Featured Slider.

    Now in this section trying setting up your slider through every option set the transition effect, etc..
    Now save the changes and see the site.

    Note: You need to make sure that all the plugins are deactivated.
    And for your information you need not need to pay for anything for the customizer options functionality provided within the theme.

    Next, regarding your license activation issue you can contact directly
    http://themepalace.com/update-key-support/ by filling up necessary details.

    Hope this will help you.
    Let us know how it goes.


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