Home Forums Pro Themes Flat Commerce Pro Featured Slider Options missing after purchase and upgrade to PRO version

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  • #25807

    Hi everyone,
    i just purchased Flat Commerce and uploaded it to my server. I activated it, entered licence, deleted the Flat commerce Free version but i can’t see options for Featured Slider Control. All i can choose is Enable Slider on: Homepage / entire site / disabled. I do not see any other options.

    What should i do to see all the option of PRO version, since i bought it to get to these options?

    Thank you


    This is found basically the conflict with Sucuri security plugin.

    We will soon test this product against Sucuri security plugin. Hopefully, we will be able to address them in next most recent version.

    Thank you for your patience in advance.

    If you have any other difficulties while using and customizing this theme, kindly let us know so that we could able to assist you as soon as possible.


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