Home Forums Pro Themes Photo Perfect Pro Header Banner Just stopped working


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  • #196097

    The Header Banner on the Front/Home page just stopped working and disappeared.
    The Inner Page header also stopped working and doesn’t appear on any inner pages.

    To Troubleshoot, I tried these options:

    -I tried changing out the photos in the header, and even though they are loaded in the Customization panel, the Home Page and Inner Page Banners still do not appear.

    -My pro theme is up to date with any updates.

    -I tired deactivating any recently new plugins in case there was a conflict, but that didn’t work.

    Please help – what is going on with the pro theme?


    Since my post, the Inner Pages Banner has begun to work. The Front/Home page large banner still is not working even though the photos are loaded into the the Customizer.


    Here is my website to visit to see the issue in action:



    @SOARTS, While inspecting your site we have found that you have enable the feature slider but the images used on featured slider is not found on media library. Could you please double check the featured slider setting and reset the images on featured slider


    Ah, I see. I didn’t realize that the images had to be changed not only under Header Image but also under Feature Slider.

    Thank you for clarifying. It is working for me know.


    The front page header is resolved, but the Static Inner Pages Banner is not changing when I upload a new image.

    To check in case it was the same issue as above, this is where I have been going to change the inner banner:
    Header Image > Shrinked Image for Inner pages

    Is there somewhere else that I need to go to change the Inner Banner?


    @SOARTS, Please check the “Enable Header Image” inside the header image setting. And set it to “Entire Site Except Home”

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