Home Forums Pro Themes Business Field Pro Header image

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  • #72557
    Fiona Whitten

    I created a header in Canva according to the size requirements and no matter what I tried it would get cut off (usually at the bottom). I’ve resized it and although it now works, it’s now so small that it really doesn’t look good. Not the impression I would like to give. Please advice the best way and size to import an image.

    Thank you.


    Hello @acornsu18,

    The custom header size is small so you need to adjust the size by cropping the image in order to show the important parts.

    But we will provide you custom CSS to increase the height of the header and for this go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste below given CSS.

    #custom-header {
        padding: 74px 0;

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

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