Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Hiding featured image on page

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    I am currently using the featured image on pages I create so that the images populate the various News and Events areas on my front page. However, I do not want the featured image to show up on the actual page itself. Is there a way to hide the featured image on the page while still having it display on the front page link to it?

    Thanks for your assistance!


    Hello @msmconlinelearning,

    Education Hub Pro theme already has the feature to disable the Featured images display on the single post page.

    If you want to disable the display of the featured images from All your posts, go to your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Layout Options and choose “No Image” option under “Image in Single Post/Page” setting.

    You Can also choose to disable the Featured image display for each post Specifically. To control the featured image display setting individually, go to the post edit screen and scroll down to the “Theme Settings” Metabox. Under the “Choose Image Size in Single Post/Page” setting choose “No Image” option. Save your changes and the image will be removed from the specific post.

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!

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