Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro How to show SSL certificate seal on footter, if possible

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    How to show SSL certificate seal on footter, if possible then please tell me, or tell me how and where can i show the SSL certificate seal on my website

    i am using this address, this address jumbled (for security purposes, but is an example)

    <span id=”siteseal”><script async type=”text/javascript” src=”https://seal.godaddy.com/getSeal?sealID=9U3aTslWydcghliiyoitZ46MzUchW8u8XhkC6X0UZ3ZXtS97bhcgfdyuixxgtr8F3O1SDq8Hjxf1K”></script></span&gt;


    Hello @blackgelgmail-com,

    To show the SSL certificate seal you can use footer widget area . The theme has four widget area . For this you have to deactivate the the three other widget area i.e keep empty and place the block of code in one footer widget area using text widget . If you prefer to do so and get some design issue , please let us know so that we could help you with some custom CSS.

    But if you want to show in Footer copyright section then we are unable to help you as it requires higher code customization .

    Our suggestion to you is to hire a professional developer for your customization, so that your theme will no be effected in any way.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below


    We hope it helps,

    Best Regards.

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