Home Forums Free Themes University Hub Issue with PHP 8.1

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    We used University Hub (free) and had problems with PHP when changing from 7.4 (deprecated) to 8.1 (recommended). Several “FATAL ERROR”S was in the log. Any recommendation how to get around that issue will be much appreciated.


    @TSHOANG, Is it possible to share an error log to track and fix the issue in the upcoming update? For now, we recommend you downgrade the PHP version to 7.4


    Dear @PSINK,
    Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I got the message “Error: Your reply cannot be created at this time.” when including the log here.
    We have switched to 7.4 at the moment, but we only have a few days left until the end of the month before WordPress switch to 8.1.
    Best regards


    @PSINK, is there a way for me to post the log here? It seems that the forum prevents the post with “Error: Your reply cannot be created at this time”. Is there a tag that I should use to escape what ever the checks that the forum has?
    Thank you very much.

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