Home Forums Free Themes Academic Mobile Menu Active Item

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  • #53845

    I am using the academic theme. Can anyone help me to determine the css to change the link color for the active link in the mobile menu?

    Thank you.


    Hello @wapel,

    We have checked the issue for the current page menu item styling for the Mobile menu in the Academic theme.

    We have noted down the issue in the theme and will provide the fix in our future updates to the theme.

    As a quick fix, you can also add in the following Custom CSS in your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS :

    .sidr ul .sidr-class-current-menu-item > a,.sidr ul .sidr-class-current_page_item > a, .sidr ul .sidr-class-menu-item-has-children > a, .sidr ul.sidr-class-current_page_ancestor > a{
        color: #ffe800;

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!


    Hello @wapel,

    We have checked the issue for the current page menu item styling for the Mobile menu in the Academic theme.

    We have noted down the issue in the theme and will provide the fix in our future updates to the theme.

    As a quick fix, you can also add in the following Custom CSS in your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS :

    .sidr ul .sidr-class-current-menu-item > a,.sidr ul .sidr-class-current_page_item > a, .sidr ul .sidr-class-menu-item-has-children > a, .sidr ul.sidr-class-current_page_ancestor > a{
        color: #ffe800;

    Hope this Helps,

    Best Regards !!

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