Home Forums Pro Themes  Travel Insight Pro Slideshow of photos in post – how?

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  • #56179
    Tim Todd

    How do I get the photos in a post to open as a slideshow? I want something like my photography website that does this: http://www.timtoddphotographica.com/blog/2015/12/Jessica-s-Chariot


    Hello @nivaunmac-com,

    The feature you are looking for is currently not available in the theme.

    However you can try using the third party plugin to achieve the slide show .
    But as we have not done any compatibility testing of any third party plugin beside the one recommended by the theme itself so we cannot assure its 100% compatibility with the theme.

    Hope this helps .

    Best Regards!!

    Tim Todd

    This was the main reason I got the theme was so I could do this. When are you going to add it to this theme?


    Hello @nivaunmac-com,

    To get photos in a post to open as a slideshow you can use jetpack plugin .

    Just simply activate the jetpack plugin and enable the gallery module .

    For this go to Jetpack > Setting > Media and enable the option Display images and galleries in a gorgeous, full-screen browsing experience.

    Refer to below screen shot for proper information .


    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

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