Home Forums Free Themes Yummy Use more than just one header image


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    I just began to use your Yummy template for an educational work and I saw that it’s not possible to use one header image for each page of the website. I mean not through the template options.

    How can I deal with that ? I’m stuck with this trying do deal with the template’s PhP but I’m not that skilled.


    Hello @lou,

    With yummy theme you can set different image for different page . The theme has already provided the option to set different header image for different page .

    For this you have to go to particular page edit screen. There at the bottom you can see Yummy meta option . Just go to Header Image options and check the option Enable( Featured Image ). So whatever image that you upload in featured image section of that particular page it will appear as the header image .

    Hope this helps.

    Let us know if you have any confusion further .

    Best Regards!!

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