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  • in reply to: White Type on White Background in Subscribe Block #184238

    That fixed it — thank you!

    in reply to: Two Questions: #135279

    Seems my response disappeared so again, in answer to your second question: All I’m trying to do is have the posts_page not show posts with the category “News Briefs”. Right now, it (the blog page) shows all posts. Since News Briefs are featured on the home page, I’d like to stop them from showing on the blog page. Is this possible?


    in reply to: Two Questions: #135129

    I don’t think you understood my questions so let’s try again.

    1) The title of my site is showing up as blue. If you mouse over it, it changes to teal. This appears to be because it’s a link. The default color for the title is set to white in the settings. Is there a way to stop the title from being a link or just change the color to white? I know I can’t change all the links to white because that doesn’t work for the entire site.

    I have this CSS controlling my link colors:
    * change link colors
    a:link {color:#1037F2;} /* unvisited link */
    a:visited {color:#CB10F2;} /* visited link */
    a:hover {color:#10F2CB;} /* mouse over link */

    2) On my posts_page:
    I’d like to suppress posts with the category “News Briefs” as they are featured on the Home page. Is this possible?


    in reply to: Two Questions: #134935

    Not sure what you’re referring to.
    The URL is

    in reply to: Some Blog Diary Issues #118627

    Hi, thanks again for the quick response but these last responses don’t really address my questions. I’m ver concerned about the quality of support before I pay for the themes. Please reread this carefully.

    My Questions:
    I was able to remove the logo and that does what I want. I wasn’t able to just simply hide it as you suggested. Did I miss something?

    Regarding Jetpack. Are you suggesting that I do not use Jetpack because it is not supported? I was able to fix the formatting issue using CSS but I’m happy to use a different solution if something will work more reliably.

    And I’d like to purchase this theme and one other for a restaurant business. Is the $50/theme or does it provide access to all themes?

    Your Responses: (My latest comment in bold)
    Regarding your query related to the logo, can you please provide the screenshot of the section where you hide the logo but the logo ain’t hiding. I didn’t say the logo wasn’t hiding. I said I could find any control that lets you hide it. I was only able to remove it. Is there a control I’m missing?

    Also, we are glad if you have resolved the formatting issue using CSS. I wasn’t able to fully resolve the problem. What I asked was if you recommend not using Jetpack and if so, are there any other email subscription plugins you do recommend?

    Further, regarding your query about theme purchase, the license key that comes with the theme is only valid for one domain. So if you want to use the theme for another site, you have to buy another license.
    I didn’t ask about using this theme on more than one theme. I asked if I wanted to use a different theme for a different site, did I need to pay again. It appears the answer to that is yes.


    in reply to: Some Blog Diary Issues #118534

    Thank you for the prompt response. Just to clarify:

    I was able to remove the logo and that does what I want. I wasn’t able to just simply hide it as you suggested. Did I miss something?

    Regarding Jetpack. Are you suggesting that I do not use Jetpack because it is not supported? I was able to fix the formatting issue using CSS but I’m happy to use a different solution if something will work more reliably.

    And I’d like to purchase this theme and one other for a restaurant business. Is the $50/theme or does it provide access to all themes?


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