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Yessss it works … it was my fault …. I did not copy the code correctly ,
thx a lot !!mrypocParticipant… no, not better … this code crashes my site 🙁
mrypocParticipantSorry, but I did not get this to work.
I do already use a child theme.
So I put the code I copied from github into a file , named it “default.php”,
and put it in the root of my child theme.Is that the correct way, because nothing happened.
Theres is still no link when I click on the image within the “Travel Eye: Featured Trips Widget”
(and I did put the link into the “external url” field)regards Herbert 😉
mrypocParticipantperfect !!!, thx a lot
mrypocParticipantYour screenshot shows the widget I am talking about.
Now, if you have just 2 images in this widget, those images start on the left and on the right there is free space within the frame (on a desktop), because the frame of the widget is wider than 2 images….. as soon as there are 4 or more images (as shown in your screenshot) there is no problem.
I would like to center the content of the widget frame, so it would look nicer if there are less than 4 images. (i.e. when you have only 2 images you would get free space to the left AND to the right side of the 2 images)Example:
when there are 2 images in the travel-eye:featured trips widget and you are on a desktop
within the widget frame it looks like:
what I would like it to be
blank-image1-image2-blankHope I could make it more clear what my topic is
mrypocParticipantThx, but that is not my problem.
I use the Travel-Eye:FeaturedTrips-Widget.
And within this widget (in my case all the images of the offered trips)
are oriented left (first image starts on the very left side) within the
widget frame.
I would like to have all the images (trips) centered (in the middle of the carousel-frame of the widget).best regards 😉
mrypocParticipantthx a lot 😉