Home Forums Pro Themes Musicsong Pro Critical site error with theme, Musicsong Pro

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  • #196170

    Hello! There was a critical error with my Musicsong Pro theme that has resulted in the front page of my website to display “404 this page not found”. I am also unable to utilize the “Customize” section of the theme in Word Press. In Word Press, when I go to “Appearance”, then “Themes”, and choose “Customize” on Musicsong Pro, I get the message “There has been a critical error on this website”. Please note that all other pages of my website display properly.


    @SEEHANDA, Could you please share temporary login credentials for your site so that we can investigate the error further and provide you with a solution? You can send the login details to prashant.themepalace@gmail.com.

    In the meantime, could you also troubleshoot your site using the “Health Check” plugin? Sometimes issues like these can be caused by third-party plugins. You can follow the instructions in this article: https://strongtestimonials.com/docs/troubleshooting-and-debugging-with-health-check-plugin/

    Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

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