Home Forums Pro Themes Education Hub Pro Featured Content on the home page

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  • #114597
    Sueaki Takabatake

    I have two question regarding the Featured Content

    1) How can I adjust the size of the page title text for each of the featured content boxes?

    2) How can I disable the link to the relevant pages from the page title and the image in the featured content boxes?

    3) Can I disable the excerpt for the relevant pages appearing in the featured context sections, below the images?



    Hello @glycotechnica_wp,

    Please find answer to your queries below:

    1) How can I adjust the size of the page title text for each of the featured content boxes?

    Response: Please add below given CSS.

    Here adjust the px as per your requirement.

    #featured-content h2 {
        font-size: 21px;

    2) How can I disable the link to the relevant pages from the page title and the image in the featured content boxes?

    Response: For this please add below given CSS:

    #featured-content a {
        pointer-events: none;

    3) Can I disable the excerpt for the relevant pages appearing in the featured context sections, below the images?

    Response: Add below given CSS.

    #featured-content p {
        display: none;

    Add the CSS by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    Thank you.

    Sueaki Takabatake

    Thanks for all the codes. Works great.

    One more thing on the featured content.

    How can I ‘bold’ the page title text for each of the featured content boxes?



    To bold the page title text for each of the featured content boxes, you can add the CSS by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    #featured-content a {

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    Sueaki Takabatake


    Jacquelin Ratliff


    I am having trouble updating/editing the Featured Content section of the home page.

    1) How do I add images, as the images are displayed on the Demo for Education Hub Pro template?

    2) How do I update/edit the text section of the Featured Content section of the home page.




    Please find the answers to your queries below:

    Query 1. How do I add images, as the images are displayed on the Demo for Education Hub Pro template?

    Response: Image comes from posts and pages. Once you add featured images to the post and pages, you can get the image to appear on the front page after you select the post and pages as per the requirement.

    Query 2. How do I update/edit the text section of the Featured Content section of the home page?

    Response: You can follow the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Featured Content >Featured Content Type and you select the dropdown of ‘select type’ and choose pages or post’s content to appear in the home page. To edit content, you can edit by going to a single page or post you choose.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.

    Thank you.

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