Home Forums Free Themes Signify Music Dark How to use the Sticky Playlist

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  • #195053

    There are no instructions for how to use the sticky playlist. In the theme settings there is a place to specify a page to use with the sticky playlist but what is supposed to go on the page I specified? I inserted an audio block but it doesn’t look or function the same as the demo.

    Thank you very much!


    Could you please provide us with some reference screenshots of how you added the playlist to the page?

    Here is the screen record on how the playlist should added


    I think I figured it out, the issue may be with my page editor. I don’t have the same view that you have in the screen recording you posted. Mine is block based. If I go into CODE EDITOR view and enter [playlist ids=""] then exit CODE EDITOR back to VISUAL EDITOR it now shows a media icon and says NO ITEMS FOUND but if I highlight the block there is a new icon that is labeled ADD MEDIA which allows me to create the playlist and add my MP3s.


    Thank you for your reply. I have all of the settings correct with the sticky playlist in the Theme. The part I wasn’t sure about was the short code you used [playlist ids="821,2287,2377,2376] I’ve uploaded a few mp3s to my Media, but I don’t see any associated id numbers or anything. Where are you getting the id numbers from?

    Thank you!


    Please follow the screen record to get the IDs of the media

    This time it will not show No media item found

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Psink.

    Thank you for all of your help I have it working now.

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