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  • #12354

    Hey hey,

    The site I need help with http://www.thehealthyyou.live

    On the home page my client needs certain buttons removed. How can I remove “Contact Me” under the doctor’s name, “Browse More Services” under service section, and “Read More” under origin section (or The healthy You section) at the very bottom?

    Thank you!!



    To remove the Contact Me button please go to

    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Site identity.

    On the bottom of the site identity section you will be able to see Contact Me Uri section.
    Delete the link on the section and leave it blank. This will remove the contact me button.

    To remove the Browse more services button please go to

    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Home/front service section

    On the bottom of this section you will be able to see Browse All Button Link option.
    Delete the link on the option and leave it blank. This will remove the Browse more services button.

    And for the Origin section’s read more button
    please add the below given CSS to

    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Custom Css.

    .wrap-story .btn-container {
        display: none;

    Hope it helps.
    Best regards.

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