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    I have purchased Photo Perfect Pro and I now want to update my Header with some text and a a button with link to Facebook. How can I do this?




    Hello @tiffanyymariee,
    You can easily achieve this by customizing some codes in the header. Some hints for this can be as follows:

    1. First create a Child Theme.

    2. Go to \inc\hook\custom.php, there you will see a function named function photo_perfect_site_branding(), copy that function to child theme’s ‘functions.php’.

    3. Inside the function place the text of your requirement as well as you can code a link like: <div class="fb-button"><a href="your link">Facebook</a></div>. The text and that link should be above the line: </div><!-- .container -->. Now, you will see that text as well as link in the header image at the front-end. You can now style that text as well as that link according to the requirement.

    Hope that helps you solving this,



    How can I add several images to header. I would like for them to rotate between 3-4 images. When I choose Randomize headers, it does not work. My site is sonjahughesphotography.com, although it’s not live yet.



    To resolve your query please go to Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Header Image.

    Then press the add new image button and upload images one by one, you will be able to see previously uploaded images after you upload new one.

    After that press the randomize header images button. This will randomize the header images that you have uploaded.

    Have patience and try navigating to different pages of your site, you will be able to see the changes.

    Best regards.

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