Home Forums Free Themes Pleased Pleased Translation Ready

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  • #111239


    and thanks in advance for your answer.

    I have installed .po and .mo files to translate Pleased (free) theme in french. But it looks doesn’t work.
    I have followed wordpress requirement and add this following code to my functions.php file

    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'wplang_child_theme_setup');
    function wplang_child_theme_setup() {
        load_child_theme_textdomain('pleasedchild', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages');

    Unfortunately it looks doesn’t work.
    Is it a different way to translate properly this theme ?
    If you have a link to a totorial to add translation on your Pleased Free Theme.

    Thanks again !



    If you are having a trouble in translation then there is a plugin called ‘Loco Translate’ that will help you in the translation.The strings provided in the themes are translation ready which can be translated to any desired language.

    To translate this theme properly you can go through the link of the documentation given below for further clarification.


    Hope this helps.

    If you have further query, let us know.

    Thank you.


    After some search on my problem, I have to tell you the end.

    WP-Travel plugin was installed in the same time with Pleased Theme and this plugin wasn’t translated. I was thinking elements was from the theme.

    So problem is resolved.

    Thanks to answer to everybody who has troubles. Sorry for the disturb.



    Glad that the issue has been resolved.

    Also, we always look forward to help our users.

    If you have any queries further, let us know.

    Thank you.

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