Home Forums Free Themes Magazine Plus Search bar is missing in mobile site


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  • #56588

    I am using magazine plus theme in my website and really finding it amazing but there is an lack in the themes that is when i open my site on any mobile the search bar is missing.I really need the search bar in my site.. Kindly provide me some solution.


    Hello @rupam,

    The theme Magazine Plus is designed in such away that the search section is disabled in the mobile view .

    As much as we would love to help you in this we cannot do so because it requires code customization and additional custom CSS which is beyond the support we offer for our product .

    But you can still consider hiring the profession developer to do so.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below

    Alternatively you can place the Search widget in Header right Widget area .

    Hope this helps .

    Best Regards!!

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