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  • in reply to: Featured image for trip #122029


    Regarding your query, you can add the below-given code in function.php file of child theme to remove the title of the archive page.

    add_filter('get_the_archive_title', function ($title) {
        return preg_replace('/^\w+: /', '', $title);

    Also, thank you for the login details. We will get back to you soon.


    in reply to: Social menu on the sidebar #122027


    As for now, the feature you have requested regarding displaying social menu in vertical, on the left hand side of the screen (sidebar), in a sticky (fixed) position is not available.

    If you have any queries further, let us know.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Portfolio widget #122025


    From the site URL given below, we found that you have used the Construction Base Pro theme.

    So you can make your site the same as the demo and make changes manually as per your requirement after the demo import.

    Actually, regarding the demo file of the Construction Base Pro theme.

    Download the ‘One Click Demo Import’ plugin for the demo setup. The plugin is recommended by the theme itself.

    The demo file is ready to download. It can be imported using the one-click demo import plugin.

    Import demo data following the path Appearance > Import Demo Data. Here is the screenshot that can help you guide to one-click demo import.

    Also, refer to the documentation link for more assistance on manual setup.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.


    in reply to: Services section icons #122024


    Regarding your query, you can add your logo image following the instruction of link given below:

    Also, you can add fa-icons in the menus.




    Regarding your query related to refund you can email at info[at]


    in reply to: Site logo overlapsing the header image? #122022


    Glad we could help you.

    If you have further queries, let us know.


    in reply to: Featured image for trip #121959


    Please provide us with your site login detail at wensolution[at] so that we can inspect further to your issues.


    in reply to: Social menu on the sidebar #121956


    Can you please provide us with site URL so that we can provide you with precise fix?


    in reply to: Featured image for trip #121951


    Regarding your query, everything is working fine on our side and the trip single page looks the same as demo.

    The issue you mentioned might have raised due to the third-party plugin. So you can inspect which plugin has raised the issue by deactivating the plugins one by one. For that, you can install ‘Health Checkup’ plugin and activate plugins of WP Travel and verify the issue.

    If the issue still persists, you can provide us with your site login detail at wensolution[at]


    in reply to: Featured image for trip #121933


    Regarding your query, make sure you have added the star to only one image as featured to display as the single page trip featured image as shown in the screenshot given below.

    If you have queries further, kindly let us know.


    in reply to: Social menu on the sidebar #121928


    Regarding your query to add the social menu, you can follow the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Menus > Social Menu > Add Items and you can add a social link which will display the social icons in the menu in frontpage. You can refer to the screenshots given below:

    To make the menu sticky, you can add CSS following the path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS,

    .page .head-top{
      position: fixed;
      top: 0;
      width: 100%;

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Problems when using Travel Ultimate Pro #121925


    Please find answers to your queries below:

    Query 1. The tour filter does not work in full. Tours are not sorted by ascending/descending value (screen in the application). Sorting by tour dates does not work (tours are not displayed in the selected range) and sorting by tour cost range (the slider does not move). ( ( (sort – expensive tours first)) + (

    Response: Once please re-update each trip and verify the issue as this might solve the issue of tour sorting by ascending/descending and tour dates. The issue of the price range you have mentioned is the known issue and our developers are working on it. We will release the update fixing the other issue in the next version(4).

    Query 2. Check if there is a function by which you can assign different currencies for individual tours. For example, one tour in euros and another tour in USD?

    Response: Regarding your query, feature to assign different currencies for individual tours is not available for now however the WP Travel Pro plugin supports multiple currency features. For detailed assistance, you can refer to the documentation link given below.

    Query 3. In the mobile version: error in displaying the form: “Trip Inquiry”. I’m testing on iPhone SE. The form opens in full screen and does not move up / down to get to the “Submit” button.

    Response: When we inspected your site, we found that the theme you have used is not our theme. The issue you have mentioned is managed by the theme.

    Query 4. The module on the main page “Packages”. Actual cost and tour dates are not displayed. (

    Response: When we inspected your site, we found that the theme you have used is not our theme. The issue you have mentioned is managed by the theme.

    Query 5. A module on the “Destination” homepage. The actual cost is not displayed. (

    Response: When we inspected your site, the issue you have mentioned is managed by the theme.

    Query 6. The module on the main page “Event”. Is it possible to hide the display of the date of the creation of the tour? The problem is that when you click on a date, it goes to a non-existent page and produces a 404 error. (

    Response: The issue you have mentioned is managed by the theme. Once go to the settings from the dashboard and update the permalink as this might help you fix the issue you are facing.

    Query 7. It’s not clear how the WP Travel Sales Widget works. When it is placed on the page, it does not show tours that are currently at a discount (offer). (

    Response: Regarding your query, you have to add sale price in the pricing section in the individual trip(edited) as shown in the screenshot below. The trips where you added sales price will be displayed in the widgets.

    Query 8. Is it possible not to display the following data on the page title: “Type of tour”, “Destination”, “Archives”? Tell me where you can find it in the plugin editor and clean it yourself. ( + ( + (

    Response: You can add the following code in the function.php file of WP Travel. This will help you remove the titles as per your requirement.

    add_filter('get_the_archive_title', function ($title) {
        return preg_replace('/^\w+: /', '', $title);

    Query 9. The problem with setting the main destination for a tour that includes several countries. On the example of the tour “Norwegian Fjords” ( The main destination should be “tours to Norway”. And in the module on the main page of the “Event”, you can see that the destination is displayed first in alphabetical order, and not the one that is needed. ( + (

    Response: Regarding your query about the location, you can select only the location that is needed to display. You can select the one location for one individual trip which will help you however you can add multiple locations on a trip. The trips locations display as per the date you updated.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have further queries, let us know.


    in reply to: Testimonials #121923


    Please update to the latest version of the theme. Also, make sure you add testimonials from the dashboard

    The issue has already been fixed in the latest version of Kids Education Pro.


    in reply to: Site logo overlapsing the header image? #121922


    Please add following given CSS code in Additional CSS section to remove the empty space under menu by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

    @media screen and (min-width: 992px){
       position: absolute;

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any queries further, let us know.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Featured Section problem #121912


    Glad we could help.

    If you have further queries, let us know.


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