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  • in reply to: Cannot resize featured slider? #140264


    We are really sorry for having you in trouble. Can you please conform all of images used for slider are of same size 1500×1000 . If images are all of same size, there’s a possible way to adjust image in featured slider.

    Try this Css Code it may help you

    #featured-slider article{
        padding: 500px 0px;

    To add Css code Go to Admin Panel >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional Css, paste here css code and published then refresh.

    Hope this helps.
    If have more further quires,
    Please share your site url. It would be more helpful to us to find accurate solution.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Custom styles not updated after changing #140262

    Glad to help. Have a good day

    in reply to: Add to cart question #140259

    Hello @Daniel

    There is no issue with the theme. I have inspect your site url, i see there section position causing this issue. But don’t worry it can be fixed by adding few Css Code in the theme.

    Please follow my instruction
    Go To Admin Panel >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional Css and paste bellow Css code then published and refresh. Then you will see change

    section.related.products {
        position: static;

    Hope this helps,
    Let us know if there’s any issue. We are all here to help you

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Payment options mobile/ tablet #140217


    We are sorry to hear that you are having an issue with one of our themes, and we’d be more than happy to investigate the matter further for you.

    Can you please explain in brief about the issue. Is that checkout page ?

    There is all 4 options in mobile. Here is the screen shot of checkout page

    It will be helpful if your share your site url and the screen record of actual issue or you can share screen shot of the issue by leaving color marking.

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Refund Request #140213


    For any sales/account issues like purchase or refund. Please contact our sales team at

    Thank you.

    Best Regards!!



    To remove the content of slider, Please follow my instructions.
    Go to Admin Panel >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional Css, then paste the below Css code there and published

    #featured-slider-section article .entry-content p{
        display: none;

    Hope this helps

    If you have further more quires free to share with us. We are all here to help you


    in reply to: Font color #140165


    We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with one of our themes. We understand that this could be frustrating.

    Please follow my instruction to change price and description color

    Go to Admin Panel >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional Css, Paste this code Css code there

    Css code to change price color

    .wp-block-coblocks-food-item__price span {
        color: #210e0e;

    and Css code to change description color

    .wp-block-coblocks-food-item__description {
        color: #210e0e;

    Please kindly change the color code as per your need before you published.

    Hope this helps,

    If you have any further queries regarding theme. Please let us know


    in reply to: Multiple Audios #140123

    Hello @NUBIAN1

    Follow this Instructions to modify playlist as your choice of songs.

    Go to Admin Panel >> Appearance >> Customize >> Front Page >> About Us

    There you will find Select Multiple Audios , you can change playlist as per your need. After you update playlist don’t forget to published.

    I guess this will help you. If there anything left do contact me. I will be there to help you


    in reply to: Custom styles not updated after changing #140030


    The second one has to worked for it. Well it’s OK we will help you

    Where did you add this Css code in the theme ?
    Did you added it to Admin panel >> appearance >> customize >> additional css ?
    If not try this one add this Css code in Additional Css then publish and refresh.

    .section-heading-wrapper  {
    	display: none;

    I guess this will help you.

    If not send us a screenshot with marks and site URL of your site. it will helps us to find actual issue


    in reply to: Google Translate not support in version 3.0.1 #140024


    We have report above issue to theme author. He wants your site url to send us. We will figure out the issue and let you noticed


    in reply to: Header Space #140016

    Glad to help

    in reply to: Header Space #140014


    Try this css code

    header.entry-header {
    display: none;

    Add above css code to following path Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS. This code will hide header – which that you need.

    Hope this will help you. If you have any further queries, Let us know. We will be always there to help you.


    in reply to: demo data #139988

    Hello @Linion Sitwayin Morisien

    Currently there is no demo data provided in the theme. We will add it soon. For now Please Download Demo data from this link

    and Follow these steps

    1. After download complete, extract it.
    2. Then go to dashboard >> tools >> import there you will find WordPress in the options click on Run Importer and upload .xml files here then click Upload file and import
    3. Go to dashboard >> tools >> Widgets Importer And Exporter upload .wie file here then click import widgets
    4. go to dashboard >> appearance >> customizer there you will find Export/Import – upload .dat file here, check Download and import image files? then click import

    I guess it will help you. If you have further more confusion please let me know so i can help you


    in reply to: Google Translate not support in version 3.0.1 #139974


    First of all we are very sorry for late reply.

    According to your query, site pages is not opening if GTranslate is active. Is this issue happens in previous version too ? Please send us your site url and if possible send us a screen record of actual issue using Awesome Screenshot & Screen Recorder extension in chrome.

    We have contacted theme author. We will come to you soon after theme author figure out the actual issue


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