Home Forums Pro Themes Travel Eye Pro Basic Color Options > Link Color Issue

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  • #53482
    Ashley Moss

    When you change the ‘Link Color’ in ‘Basic Color Options’ from theme color settings it also changes the color of first letter only on pagebuilder front page which I do not want (i.e changes first letter only of Book A Trip, Most Popular, About Us, Testimonials, etc.).

    I want to make the ‘Link Color’ white because you cannot see the date in the header image on blog posts. (http://staging.orlandotravelcompany.com/new-weekly-cruise-deals-insider-news-aug-28-2017/)

    What is a fix for this? I only want to make the date white in the header image on blog posts.

    Many thanks for your help!


    Hello @lynaeash,

    As the link color changes the color of first letter as well you can use below given CSS to only target the date that is in the header image on blog posts.

    For this go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste below given CSS.

    span.posted-on a {
        color: #fff;

    Hope this helps .

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day .

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