Home Forums Pro Themes Business Field Pro Business Field Slider not showing up.

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    I followed all of the instructions and my slider is not showing up on the home page. What needs to be done? Side bar shows up, other

    My Domain is in the process of being transferred so my hosting company gave me a temporary site to build my webpages.


    Hello @andrewacts238,

    When we inspected your site URL, we found that you have not enabled the featured Slider section.

    So please enable the featured slider section by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > featured Slider > Slider Type and chose the option Static front Page only in the o, tion Enable Slider On .

    Finally slelect any of the option to set the slider from in the option Select Slider Type.



    Also, make sure to upload the image in Featured image section by going to individual Page/post edit screen as the image in the slider display from that section.


    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day 🙂 .


    Thanks, my slider options was on, but I didn’t know to upload the pictures. This made the difference. If I can suggest, please put the below as part of the instructions. I didn’t see this on there. Also for the Bus Hub Theme.

    “Also, make sure to upload the image in Featured image section by going to individual Page/post edit screen as the image in the slider display from that section.



    Hello @andrewacts238,

    Glad that we could help you.

    Also thank you very much for the suggestion and we will definitely include the info about the image of the slider in the documentation.

    Any further issues are always welcome.

    Best Regards!!

    Have a good day 🙂 .

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